It's limey so be warned

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Hey if halfway through this chapter you get bored because you came for smut the second chapter is way steamier so you can just skip this one
You really don't need the context

Lance loves musicals. He lives and breathes hamilton, he will legitimately kill to see dear Evan Hansen, and almost shit his pants when he saw that they were making a mean girls musical. His love for musicals isn't a secret either, he belts out lyrics whenever he feels like it. When he's eating breakfast "what the heck I gotta DOOOO to be with you". Training "it's time for big fun BIG FUN". this drives the rest of Voltron batshit, so in return, they tease him relentlessly about how "gay" he's acting.


As lance starts to sing helpless for the 68th time today Pidge chimes in
"You know Lance you act like a 40-year-old gay man"

Lance spins around dramatically grasping his chest

"I'm wounded, you know I am neither of those things," Lance says in the most matter of fact way possible, then with his signature shit-eating grin adds "I'm 19 and bi, so eat a bag of dicks"

"Close enough and dicks don't really do much for me," they say flipping lance off

"A bag of vagina for you then ma'am" lance says putting on a false accent and standing up straighter, like a butler

"You know that I'm ace you fucker," they say punching lance in the arm and laughing as they walk past

Lance laughs with them and tells back
"Paybacks a bitch ain't it"

Lance rubs his arm as he walks into the kitchen laughing, Keith and Lance make eye contact for a split second before Keith pushes his chair back mumbling something about eating in his room whilst picking up his bowl of space goo.

Lance stretches his long arms across the doorway and whined "why do you hate me so much"

Keith grabs Lance by the wrist and sort of flings him out of his way "because your constant singing gives me a fucking headache" he says walking down the hall to his room

Lance, still a little dazed from Keith spinning him, pokes his head out the doorway to look at Keith who oddly is the only one that hasn't teased him on the gayness of his songs. Lance looks at Keith and feels his face go red as another set of lyrics pop into his head "I hate to see you go but I love to watch you walk away" he sings quietly. He shoves his hands into his pockets as he seeks refuge in his room for a cold shower.

time skip: Keith's pov

I hadn't thoroughly thought out the cons of going to train immediately after dinner and I was now feeling it. "I only have 20 minutes of training today but if I keep going I'll barf," I say to Shiro as I pass him

"that's ok you train harder than me half the time, go rest," he says giving me a pat on the back then apologizes as the sudden movement makes my face turn green.
I decide to make my way over to the lounge thinking it might be fun to try to watch one of the weird-ass altean movies that coran loves. I reach the lounge I almost turn back around when I see, but mostly hear, a scream-singing Lance in the corner by the movie rack. I stand in the doorway for a second when Lance stops singing, looks down at his phone, and starts screaming and jumping up and down only to quit just as fast as he started. Lance takes a deep breath and pauses, suddenly he drops into a squat with his knees spread and slowly rolls up, ass first. Then he begins to swing his hips until he violently grabs his own ass, starting to gyrate his hips instead.

now I knew that Lance was singing this entire time however I was a little too busy trying to hide my boner (with little to no success) by shoving my hands in my pocket and staring at Lance as he expertly moved his hips. I had no clue what Lance was singing prior to when he spun with his body facing me but was still looking over his shoulder at the movie rack. He let a drawn-out "bend and" as he bent down slowly to the floor. Lance stared at the floor for a moment before he, without warning, straightened up, curving his back to accentuate his ass, placed a hand on his hip, and sung "snap" and snapped in unison all in one fluid movement. He had been looking up and away from me but must have seen me in his peripheral vision because he let out a blood-curdling scream and flung his phone across the room.

"Keith what the fuck" he screamed then paused for a moment, walked up dangerously close (dangerous because Lance might kill me and I still had a hard-on, much to my dismay) and in a deadly voice said "how much did you see"

I managed to regain some of my voice and shakily said "from the end of the song before bend and snap"

Lance grabbed my shoulder to keep me in place and stepped even closer making our chests touch, unfortunately, that also meant that Lance's leg was ground into my junk forcing a small moan out of me that I tried to hide as a gasp.

Lance leaned back and exclaimed with amusement dripping from his voice "so you really got that excited from like 20 seconds of me dancing" and as he said that he lifted his heel to tease another moan out of me

"ya know I wasn't sure if you were even human," lance says sliding me up higher on his thigh. I gulp and stand up on my toes trying to keep as much space in between my crotch and Lance's thigh as possible.

"Why's that" I squeak out

"Well even Pidge, who's asexual, can admit when someone is hot and yet you manage to make it seem as though no one is even worth your attention," Lance said and pushed down on my shoulders forcing contact and a shudder out of me. Lance must have liked my response because his lips spread into a smirk and he gently ran his hands down my back letting them rest very low on my lower back.

"I've never seen you take even the slightest bit of interest in anyone until now when you got hard at the sight of me dancing," Lance said gripping my hips and pulled me closer to the point that I had to lift my heels so my junk wouldn't get smashed. The movement brought me to another realization as I felt a hardness on the back of my hand which was still in my front pocket. My eyes, which had been trained on the center of Lance's chest, shot up to his face. Lance's smirk deepened and his eyes smoldered.

Thank you for wasting your time reading my very first klance story and I hope that it didn't make you want to claw your eyes out too much
Also sorry for the random switch between present and past half way through the story, lack of proper punctuation, and the inconsistent capitalization

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