Chapter 3

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Jane:"Hey guys come here!There's a new person!"

Jasmine broke the hug and placed a kiss on my cheek.She climbed down the fire tower leaving me behind.

Jasmine:"What are you doing up there come on down!"

I climbed down landing next to her.We went inside and sat down with the rest of the group.James came in the room with a new person.

James:"Everybody this is Ben."

Ben looked at all of us then stopped at Jasmine.He gave her a smile and a wink.

James:"I checked for bite marks.lucky he doesn't have any."

'He doesn't have any yet'

James:"Link show Ben your room.Thats where he's  going to sleep at."

Link:"Yes mama James."

Ben followed me to my room.I opened the door and told him the top bunk was his.

Ben:"How long have you been here?"

Link:"Two years.Why?"

Ben:"Just wondering.Oh hey you now that girl out there?"


He got on the top bunk and looked at me.

Ben:"Jasmine...that's a good name for a really cute girl."

'What did he call her?!'

Ben:"I didn't get your name.What is it?"



There was silence between us for a moment.

Ben:"Hey Link."


Ben:"Do you like someone here?"

Link:"Ya know I don't know."

'I bet he likes Jasmine'

Ben:"What about Jasmine?"

Link:"She's okay, but I don't like her."

Ben:"That's good because I like her."

'I knew it!!'

Ben:"Just don't tell her."

Link:"I wont."

'I will'

James:"Ben come down here!"

He left the room closing the door behind him.I laid down closing my eyes and went to sleep.

(in dream)

Link:"How does a store have no food?"

I heard glass break and shuffling.I pulled out a knife and terned around to face the monster.When i turned around there was more than one.One of them charged at me,but ended dead.The rest off them charged at as more came.I found a opening in-between them.I ran past them.In the middle of getting out of them one of them grabbed my arm and bit me.I let out a scream.

(end of dream)

Ben:"Link are you ok?"

Link:"Yeah why?"

Ben:"You screamed."

Link:"I did?"


James busted in the door.

James:"What the bloody heck is going on."


I shoved Ben of my bed and ran to the bathroom where Jasmine was.

Link:"Jasmine what happened?"

Jasmine:"Link promise me that you wont get mad at me."


She opened the door tears down her  face.She held up her arm covered in blood.

Link:"Jasmine what was you thinking?"

Jasmine:"I don't know it just took over me."

Link:"Go let Charlie clean  it."


James:"Link come with me we need to talk about something."


We climbed the fire tower so none of the things got to us.

James:"There's something need to ask of you too."

Link:"What is it?"

James lifted her shirt.


Bet ya didn't see that comin.  

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