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Ashley's P.O.V.

Niall made some delicious stroganoff with chicken, broccoli, and pasta noodles. I had never ever tasted such amazing food, besides my mother's cooking of course. 

Niall was an amazing cook, I was glad he was mine, he actually told me when he checked the mail the other morning and a fan had wrote him a letter saying that she really appreciated me saving his life and that would approve of our relationship just as long as I didn't screw it up. 

I had to laugh at that because I wouldn't dare mess up our relationship, Niall had made more happier then anyone else I had been with.

After dinner we all went outside to make a bonfire and sat around in chairs and Niall even brought his guitar to play. 

Soon they were singing Stand up which led in to them singing One Thing. 

If you've never heard One Direction singing Capella it's amazing. They really do have talent for singing. After they sang those two songs I smiled but shouted "ENCORE! ENCORE!" 

The boys all laughed but all looked at one another and nodded and they started singing More Than This. The girls and I sang along to it with them and we actually watched the sunset. 

Once it started to get dark we all went back inside and talked for a little while. Even though I had to be careful I wanted to get an job immediately so we could start paying for some our things here, and not let Simon or the boys pay. We were grown women now and we needed to take control of our new things, like for one our new home. 

Around 9:45ish I started to hurt and Niall went in his guitar case and got me my pills for the pain. I thanked him and kissed him. 

Niall also gave me some water to take the pills with and held my hand but then lifted my shirt to check my bandages. 

"When we get back we're going to have to change the bandages, k, Angel?" He said, but with a question. 

"Yeah that's fine. But tomorrow night can we please stay here with the girls? I feel like I haven't been spending as much time with them recently." I pleaded with Niall. 

He smiled and said "Anythan for you Angel." 

I kissed him once more and then I told the girls I would be back in the morning so we could go job searching. 

In the morning I woke up at 8 a.m. on the dot and accidentally woke up Niall with me. I told him to go back to sleep but he said "I've been up since 7:45, I was just watching you sleep but I've actually gotta get up and go meet the boys at the studio." 


He grabbed his guitar case and handed me two pills then went downstairs to get me some water. After I took my pills I had Niall help me take a shower again so I could properly do my hair. I was also trying to hurry to Niall wouldn't be late. 

I put on my black knee-length skirt first then put on my pink-ish-peach-ish color shirt that a diamond cut in the back. I then put on my gold braclet's, then my gold high heels, then my black feather earrings  with gold spike droplet earrings. 


http://www.polyvore.com/ashleys_interview_set/set?id=55030436 )

Soon my curling iron was hot enough so I could curl the ends, thank the lord my hair wanted to work with me. Usually it doesn't like me this early in the mornings. 

After I curled the ends of it I did my make up lite. Lastly I put on my dress jacket. And when I finally came downstairs Niall's mouth dropped. 

"Wow. You're beautiful, my Angel." Niall finally said after a couple of minutes of just staring at me. 

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