Chapter Fifteen

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John Pov
Alex and I walked into my house, I watched him as he looked the place over with a sense of awe gleaming in his eyes.

"Who's this?"
My mom asked from the living room.

"Ah, this is Alex. My..f-..friend."
I said, my eyes darting away as Alex stifled a laugh.

My mom trailed off, walking towards us.

"Hamilton. Nice to meet you ma'am." Alex said, putting his hands behind his back.

"Same to you Mr.Hamilton."
My mom said with a smile.

I saw my dad from upstairs looking down at us. Alex gave her a small smile, and glanced upstairs.

"Hello," My dad said, walking downstairs.

Why are they doing this.

I knew Alex was slowly getting nervous and I think the fact that he didn't have his coat with him, was just adding onto his stress. Think of that coat as a comfort line, by leaving it behind he broke that comfort line in a way.

"Hello..sir." Alex said slowly. "Yeah..we're going to go to my room now." I said, running up the stairs.

I showed Alex to my room and was about to go in as well when my mom called my name. I groaned and turned around.

"Is he wearing your jacket?" She asked.

If there's anytime for a gay panic, right then, is a perfect time.

"No- I mean- yes but I-"

"Oh John, don't worry. He's cute."
She said, winking and going to the living room.

I sighed in relief, still slightly confused but relieved no doubt. I walked into my room and immediately said,
"Give me a cigarette."

He smirked.

"You saw em! Gimme a cig before I blow my brains out." I said, sitting on my bed next to him.

He handed me a cigarette and rolled up his sleeves, falling back on my bed.

"Your bed is so comfortable!"
He exclaimed.

"..Thanks?" I said, looking at Alex who seemed to enjoy being on my bed with pure bliss.

"Your folks don't like me much, I can tell. At least your dad anyway. When I was walkin' to your room, he saw my tattoo and no doubt was upset about it." Alex told me, sitting up.

"Yeah he doesn't really like uh..teenage stuff very much. Edgy, if you will. He fuckin' hates motorcycles so stay clear of that." I told Alex with a smirk.

"Well fuck, cuz I ain't gettin' rid of my bike just to be..friends with you."
He said.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

"What's that?" He asked, pointing to my box full of shit on my desk.

"I dunno really. Just a bunch a shit that I'll put in a box when I got nowhere else to put it." I replied.

"Can I open it?"
He asked, standing up.

"Not sure what you'll find in it but alright." I shrugged.

He sat down at my desk and opened it, looking into it.

"Well shit this is just sad."
He muttered.

I asked.

"I thought it'd be like some fuckin' demon that would pop outta of it but it's just letters and pictures and..pride stuff." He said, pushing around somethings in the box.

"You're in LGBT?"
He asked.

I hummed.

"Before you even ask, I'll answer for you because I'm so fuckin' cool. I am the ultimate gay." I told him.

He snickered, closing the box.
"I beg to differ." He said.

"Then beg." I hissed, raising an eyebrow.

He sighed, rolling his eyes. Alex walked back over to me and collapsed on my bed.

I do that.

I smirked, realizing I could do something potentially...

I grabbed Alex's arm and flipped him around, pinning him.

"Say uncle bitch."
I said.

He looked shocked for a moment but his face quickly hardened and he raised and eyebrow.

"I think the fuck not."
He said.

"Say it or I'll lick you," I said, sticking my tongue out and slowly moving towards his face.

He yelped and squirmed.

"No! If you lick me I'll murder you Laurens! Laurens!" He shrieked, desperately trying to pull away from me.

"You don't have your knife on you know," I whispered, narrowing my eyes. Then I licked his ear.

He shouted in shock and pushed me off of him, wiping his ear.

He exclaimed, looking mildly upset.

Then he turned to me with an evil look in his eyes that only a raging Alexander Hamilton can produce. And then he tackled me into the floor, nearly knocking the wind outta me.

He looked into my eyes, panting softly. I found myself staring back into his.

What the fuck are we doing?

Next thing I know his lips were on mine and I have never been more terrified in my life.

I wasn't scared of him,
I was scared of messing up.

My palms were sweaty, so I just avoided touching him. Once I realized it seemed like a good idea to kiss him back, I closed my eyes.

My nose hit his and I'm not gonna lie, it kinda hurt.

After all the awkward shit was pushed away it was pretty great. It was weird how in two days, he went from my best friend, to...
what are we now?

His lips sorta tasted like cigs and vape but that's okay considering mine can taste nor feel any better.

Alex pulled away suddenly and looked at me with just utter fear in his eyes.

There was no way the kiss lasted more than thirteen seconds.

"F-fuck uh..sorry, I'll just go." Alex said, getting off of me and leaving.

I would've told him to stay but I was too fucking baffled to barely get a hold of myself.

What the fuck just happened?

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