Ch. 1

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Cream Pie's pov:

Walking down the old concrete chipped sidewalk. The cold wind hitting my face. I checked my phone to see what time it was. Out of curiosity I checked to see if I had any notifications. Unsurprisingly, there was none. It was 11:32. The afternoon sun was shining but it wasn't enough to keep me from being cold. I shivered as I fixed my coat. Continuing onward to the cafe I spotted it not that much farther down the road. I smiled to myself knowing that the I'd soon be out of the cold winter chill. As I made my way to the door I smiled as the hot air from the cafe made its way towards me.
I decided to sit down and think about what I wanted before ordering. I had come here in such a short notice after all. I had just gotten out of work not that long ago and decided to go to the new cafe in town. I looked around at the display in the front and noticed a simple light pink slice of cake. The sweet looked like it was strawberry flavored too.
Walking up to the register I asked for the slice of cake and a coffee. I might as well have a hot drink to get rid of the cold from being outside. When I got my order, I went back to my table and started to eat the cake. Savoring the sweet flavor of strawberry with a light hint of chocolate. As I was enjoying my meal I heard the door squeak open as a mysterious man walked through the door. He seemed rather short and had a long tail following behind him. An axolotl maybe?
I watched as he ordered the same cake as me. When he got the cake he walked over to a table close to mine and sat down on the chair. 'I wonder f his tail bothers him when he sits down?" I realized that I was starting to stare at the guy and looked away before he could notice. 'He must think I'm a creep! I should try being more discreet about my actions..." I frowned as I took out my phone and decided to look through social media and see what was up.
"You know that it's rude to stare right?" I panicked at the unexpected words. "Yeah I'm sorry about that." I looked over at the pink axolotl as he just had this smile on his face. I hadn't noticed it before but it was a bit creepy. I went back to looking at my phone as I heard him walk out the door. I decided to follow him as I shoved my phone in my pocket, coffee in hand. "Hey wait!" I called to the axolotl as he looked back at me. "What?" He asked seemingly annoyed. "Sorry! I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out!" He stood there looking at me. His black eyes looking at my soul. "Listen kid, I don't think it's very wise to ask a complete stranger to hang out. You don't know anything about me and I know nothin 'bout you." He paused looking at me to see my reaction. "If you desperately want to 'hang out' with me sure I guess. Here's my number. Still, talking to a stranger isn't wise." He handed my a slip of paper as he continued walking away. "I'm not a kid..." I frowned as I put the piece of paper in my pocket. The sudden cold started biting my face as I hadn't remembered that it was winter. I shivered as I started making my way home. I was both confused and excited.

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