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eun ae:
loll it's fine~

but it wasn't

the blanket which engrossed my body, then became too warm. i swung my legs off my bed and began to let my legs carry me to the washroom. i suddenly felt my legs give up on me. i stumbled forward with my knees plummeting to the ground, i felt a searing pain on my knees as i cupped them. "ouch," i said whilst rubbing them with slight pressure.

i pulled myself up, and walked to my bathroom. i rotated the door knob convening clothes resting on the ground, i crouched down while holding my back for support. i folded the clothes and planted them on the counter. until i felt my head become dizzy as my sight was tinged with blurring colours. my eyes flickered, attempting to see if it could wash away the blur. i held my forehead, "aish." i leaned my weight onto the counter as i felt my hands slip causing my forehead to thump onto the mirror. "ow," i exclaimed, i yelped profanities under my breath.

i opened the drawer which stored medications and pills. i reached for it, but to no avail.

i felt a circular tube beneath my fingers as i nudged it closer, until it fell to the floor. spilling all the pills.

i was a mess

i looked up to the mirror and felt pain surging through my body, as glass beads began to cascade down my round cheeks. along with perspiration creating new tracks down my forehead.

"i'm a mess," i squinted my eyes.

i sat myself down on the bus seat, composing myself from allowing the tears to escape the cage of my eye lashes. i wiped them constantly, causing friction to ensue. it was if every time i wiped, i was being scathed of my own skin.

i couldn't stop thinking about him

it was odd to have him impact me so much during this short period of time. a heavy sigh left my pale lips as i stared out the window. the bus came to a stop as i saw jungkook enter. his lips folded into the inner interior of his mouth, forming a thin line. his eyes scanned the bus as i naively raised my hands indicating i was here.

a slight smile grew across his face as he walked to me.

he walked passed me

and sat himself down beside another girl. my eyes flickered down to my basket which i had prepared for him. he was hungry yesterday, so i thought of treating him. i guess it wasn't going to happen today

the next day, he sat beside me and i served him food which he seemed delighted to accept. it was adorable.

soon enough, this occurred everyday, she gave him food everyday, and felt the puncture through her heart slightly batter from his smile alone.

he especially loved bananas.

one day, i stood in awe as i reminisced the scene before me from months ago. jungkook had tears trickling down his bunny cheeks as i ran to him, and sat myself down beside him. "what happened Jungkook?"

"i don't have a girlfriend anymore," he said with an indecipherable tone.

he turned to me as i rubbed his back in a circular motion. though i know it's messed up, i felt a tint of happiness jolt me. my heart bounced, and felt hope rise.

is there a chance for me now?


there was a chance for me

banana || j.jk book one ✔️Where stories live. Discover now