Party (prt2)

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"Hey Colby!" She said

"Have you seen Y/N by any chance?"
She added on

"Uh, um. No not at all.." I said

"Ok, cause she really likes you. And like, is wondering if you'd date her?" She asked, I was shock. And at the time, forgetting about Brennen.

"Yeah, that would be great. She's a beautiful, funny girl. She's literally perfect." I said, telling the truth

"Once you find her, you should ask her out you know?" Y/N's friend spoke.

*B P.O.V*

After me and devyn danced for like, ten songs. I asked her if she wanted to go back in the roof. And talk our feelings out, she agreed. We walking up to go to the roof, I hear Colby speaking to a girl I saw him hanging out with,

"You should really ask her out once you find her" the girl said

"Yeah, she's a very beautiful, and perfect." Colby said, completely forgetting about me, I poked my head around the corner. To see him in sweatpants. And nothing else.

"Devyn, lets go quick." I whispered, almost crying.

We got onto the roof. We sat down, making sure not to make to much sound, and I just started to cry into her chest. With her hugging me tight.

"What's wrong Brennen?" She said, worried

"Fucking Colby, him. Fucking another girl. Cheating on me, lying to me once more." I said sobbing

"Here, shoot him a text, I'll shoot corey a text too." She said, trying to help. Her voice in general helped.
She sat me up

"Saying What?" I asked, confused

She took my phone.

You: Hey Colby, it's dev. Do me a favor and come up on the roof. We need to talk. Me, you and bren.

"There, read it" she said

So I did so. It was ok. But what am I going to say?

"What am I going to say though?"I asked

"Whatever your heart desires bren." She said very sweetly, putting one hand on my leg.

Then we hear footsteps on the roof

"You needed me devyn?", a recognizable voice said. I was drunk and didn't want to see who it was.

"Yes, in fact. Both me and Brennen do." She said to the tall, guy. Then I snapped into reality. It was Colby,

"Colby, sit down. You'll be here for a while." I said, continuing on with

"You know, i honestly don't think this will work out. You're to attractive, to people you're attractive too. Clearly that's Y/N. So, this. Is done, us. Is done, we can be friends and all. But don't expect me to like, do anything with you. I'm packing my things tomorrow." Dev cuts me off

"I'll come with you, Brennen" she said, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Brennen. I was and still am drunk." He said

"Intoxication shouldn't stop you from having a boyfriend. That you no longer have, Colby." I cut him off

"One last kiss? Hug at least" he asked.

"Colby, he said he doesn't want anything, like that at least." Devyn said. Getting defensive.

"Fine, whatever. Sam was better than you in all way shape and form." He said in anger, about to cry. He stayed on the roof as me and devyn walked down from the roof.

"Wanna go to your place?" Devyn offered.

"Sure why not." She said,

We got into my car, devyn driving. She drove it Down the road and stopped it.

"This is so people wont see us." She said

Kissing me, for a long time. I broke the kiss, as I gave her a hickey on her neck, I said

"We should wait. You know. So no one really sees us." I said kissing her cheek.

We drove to my place, she ran up to the door and waited till I opened it. Koby was asleep, so he didn't bark.

She brought me into the living room and sat me down on my couch, taking my shirt off. Kissing me down my abs,

*sorry for cliff hanger, I'm not in the mood rn for smut. Maybe tonight lmfao, this was kinda short but oh well.*

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