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Your eyes flutter open although You didn't sleep well...You slept warm and thats all You care abou-

You gasp with your eyes open wide realizing You're still in the car, but there's one thing keeping you from moving.

An arm around your torso... "STUPID WEIRDO GET OFF ME!" You yell in struggle to get out. 

"MIN YOONGI!! I will kill you if you don't get your hands off of me!" You yell.

Okay you've done it now! "ONE, T-TWO, T-T-TWO A-AND A H-HALF!!!"


You finally yell the last number and nothing happens.

"T-THREE!!!!" You yell again.


Still nothing.

You wiggle and grunt as You try to get out of his arms. "UGH THIS IS DISGUSTING YOU STUPID! GET OFF OF ME!"

You get Finally out and you smile applauding yourself until strong arms pull you down again, but in a tighter embrace.

"Try to get out now!" He slightly whispers to you in your ear in a raspy voice.

Your cheeks heat up and your eyes open wide.

"Wha- n- b-bu"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" You yell as loud as You can.

He lets go laughing.

"You're so mean!!" You shout. "I want to go home!!" You say crossing your arms with your knees to your chest.

"Home you say?" He turns around and smiles.

Your eyes become furrowed and you slightly tilt your head.

He then puts the key in the ignition.

"B-But I thoug- y-you- car- down a-Nd"

You were totally furious, Blood boiling as the seconds pass of him just looking at you.

You kick your foot up as it almost reaches his face but he moves.

"That SHOULD'VE HIT YOU!" You yell He laughs, and you just sit there silently "Okay I will get driving!" He smiles.

You don't even have words you don't know what to say to this kid.


You get to your house and without a word to him You get out of the car and walk to your house.

Next thing You know he's running after you.

"Awh come on you have to admit that was pretty funny!" He says giggling.

You start walking faster down the driveway until You meet your door.

"Yoongi, I never want to see you or BE seen with you ever again after today...until school you can bully me and push me on the cold metal lockers, hurt my wrist as much as you want, BREAK IT for all I care. Just never talk to me again! I hate you!" You say as You open your door and slam it, as you fall down it with tears coming from your eyes non stop.

No, You can't be crying for that jerk, stupid stupid you're stupid!
(But...why am I crying for him....I should be happy I stood up to him right?)

"I DONT KNOW!" You yell in frustration running to your room throwing your dead phone on the floor and hopping on your bed crying into the pillow.

You start hearing slight knocking.

You look at your window and see Jungkook on the other side in his room.

He holds a phone to the window with a question like face expression.

You just shake your head no.

He looks around until finding something

"Are you Okay?" He all of a sudden hold up a dry erase board.

You look to the side with your eyes before answering. You slightly shake your head no.

"Why is my dongsaeng sad?" The board says.

You just sigh and get the dry erase in your room.

"Yoongi." You write.

He nods his head back with his jaw clenched.

He slams the board down and disappears from the window.

Ayyy 3 days till I leave for Disney world I'm so excited y'all

Also Aoh my gosh thank you so much for reading this I was doubting this story but idk I think it's growing on me

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