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I'm back for playlist update again
Just Incase you lost the spot the song to start with is

"Intro Ringwanerung"
Number 43🥰

Yoongi's pov.

I'm sitting on my couch sipping down probably my 15th shot of soju.

I feel like I can control what I'm saying but my mind is also somewhere completely strange.

"Ahah y/n, stupid girl I will make your life horrible." I mumble to myself as I spin the liquid around the shot glass.

Y/n's POV....

The past few hours I've been trying to get ahold of yoongi it is now 4pm.

I need to tell him what i did, I regret every bit of it.

With the 50th missed phone call you decide to just drive to his house.

You grab your backpack taking the keys off the counter.

"Mom, I'm heading to yoongi's i need to check on him!" You simply say.

"No you're not, you were just over there! I'm sure he's fine just leave it!" She says In an annoyed voice.

"But he hasn't picked up all day!" You whine.

"He might be busy! That boys got so much money I'm sure he's trying to figure out what to do with it!" She says from the couch.

"I'm going!!" You say closing the door.

You feel bad about ignoring your mom. Maybe she's right! Maybe yoongi is just busy and haven't got the chance to charge his phone yet. But something deep inside of me says nothing's okay.


"Okay y/n,FIGHTING" you say with your fist up to the door about to knock.

When you do one of the maids open the door bowing "hello miss y/n, come in!" She says.

"Master yoongi is in his room." She simply says looking down.

"But I think he's in a mood~" she stops you from going up.

"Don't worry, I can handle it" you say giving her a friendly smile before going upstairs.

You run upstairs to his room but stop when you get to his door

(Please be sleeping or something.)

You open his door without a knock and see him on the couch with numerous soju bottles from the coffee table down to the floor.

"Yoongi!" You say shocked.

He looks at you with puffy red eyes making your eyes widen.

"What happened oppa!" You say running to him grabbing his hand.

He looks up laughing. "Get your nasty hands off me!" He says coldly taking his hand away from you catching you by great surprise.

Protective Bully~                                       (Min Yoongi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now