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... this book as over 100 reads - all of which, each very one, I am very grateful for - and there are a couple of you who vote for this book, and once again, a huge thank you to you guys. But nobody else is active, and it's making me not bothered to update. If you are actually enjoying these preferences, please can you let me know? Or maybe if not, tell me why? (Politely, please...)

It does annoy me to be putting lots of effort into writing these preferences: to be honest, they're more like mini imagines: and not seem to have people appreciate it. No-one even requested a personal imagine. I think if I don't get any kind of interaction sometime soon, I'll probably quit this book...

Thanks, and sorry to the two people who have been voting that you had to read this. You two are lovely, I like you guys. <3


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