Kidnapped Part 6

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Wow guys you are amazing! i am getting amazing responses and i love to hear what you guys think! it makes me love what i write so much more! So her's the next part, it's a bit longer but i love this part so let me know in a comment and don't forget to vote!


Hayley's POV

The days were passing in blurs, starting to melt into weeks. To the point where, I had no comprehension of time or place. I was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the floor, filling out, yet more, papers for the police report on my kidnapping. Only I couldn’t help but feel guilty over the constant lies. I knew what I had done was wrong.

What did I do, you ask? In the eyes of the law, I caused purposeful grievous body injury to a man, helped and abetted a wanted murderer escape, stole a car, violated the laws of medical practice, and lied to the police.

But the way I see it, I possibly injured a man who tried to kill me, helped a desperate man escape, saved his life- twice - and protected him with my lies. You can see which one I like to think of.

I told the police that the man who had kidnapped me, left the room, I heard gun shots and had managed to wriggle free out of the wrist holds and run to the door, only to find the men all dead, so I jumped out the window and ran to the closest house I knew.... Crew's house. What a great excuse Hayley...Yeah, who's going to say anything against it? I just felt bad for knowing that people could have been caught because of my confession, but as Crew kept telling me, I didn't need to go to jail for the sake of Ryan's mistakes.

Ryan left. That A-Hole has a lot of explaining to do. I risked a lot to help him in the same way that he risked everything he had left for me. Surely he felt that connection. I just feel like I knew him and I just... ugh, it's pointless, he's the one who screwed my perfectly-normal-interestingly-average-life up!

I could hear Scott come into the lounge room of our apartment. He plopped heavily down on the couch and sighed.

"I missed you, I am just so glad you're safe." He nudged my neck and I gave him a look.

"Scott please, let me finish these, I was supposed to have filled these out yesterday." I smiled as he pressed his lips on mine, but I felt his mouth turn into a frown.

"Can't they wait just another day? I want you all to myself." He laughed before adding, "Besides these police couldn't find a killer if he was right under their noses!"

I laughed nervously with him, praying that he was right. The work on the papers was slow, the same statements and identity reports that I’d given them weeks ago, I could feel him fidgeting constantly beside me. Playing with my hair, with his hair, drawing on his hand, rubbing circles on his knees, tapping his fingers- he was worse than a two year old!

"Ugh Scott, you lunatic, you need to get out of the house!" I quipped.

"Oi, have respect for your elders, young woman." I smiled at his joke; our birthdays were one day apart. "But actually, can we? I am desperate." He sprung up suddenly, "I know, lets go to the park!"

Oh no, he wasn't worse than a two year old, he was one. I smiled and sighed, making him work for it. "I guess...."

"YES!" he yelled and leaped at the door. He must have been more eager than I thought. He led the way out to his car, and poked his tongue out at me. Rolling my eyes, I played along and hopped in, excited to get away from the idea of filling out papers on why Ryan was now… gone. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even Scott or Crew, but I was hurt that Ryan had just left and a little sad that I had been so worthless to him.

Scott and I walked along the paths through the park, it wasn't overly crowded at five in the afternoon on a Monday, and I was enjoying just strolling hand in hand with Scott.

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