>Chapter 21

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Aizawa then spoke into the speaker once more, trying to get a clue on what happened that snapped this young male into such a villainous character.

"S-Shadow... Listen now.
If you tell me what happened, I might let you go..."
Aizawa said slowly.

F/N's smile and laughter disappeared as he stared straight into the one way glass in front of him.

"Yo-u don't und-understand... Do you?"
F/N coughed out, narrowing his eyes a little.

"Yes I don't and if you tell me I will understand."
Aizawa spoke again.

F/N sighed and gave up.
After all it was just a past. It wasn't important.
At least not anymore.

F/N coughed and cleared his throat before speaking.

"When I was young.. I lived in Nakata-mura..
It was nice. I had a family.
I had a brother.

But soon, all went to shit.
On my fourth birthday, there was an attack.
My family perished in front of my eyes.

I was caught by them.
So I slaughtered them all and escaped.."
F/N skipped all the details to prevent himself from crying out.

Aizawa, behind the glass where the villain couldn't see him.
He was shocked.

Is this why he chose to be a villain and threw it all away?

Aizawa then opened the case file of he Nakata-mura attack once more to see the victim lists.

There it is.
A family of three.
Torn apart and couldn't be identified.

Nobody was said to survive because even if there were, they all died in a few days due to trauma.

But this kid...
This kid who was kidnapped by an entire league of professional villains.

This must've been a bigger trauma, especially if your family died right in front of you.

"I-Is that so..."

F/N let a sigh and avoided any eye contact with the glass pane in front of him.

F/N gave up every spark of hope on being free from the state he's in.

Suddenly, the door to his interrogation chamber opened.
Sparing a glance at the person who made him talk about his past, waked up to him.

F/N quickly squirmed in his chair, in hopes of his tormentor not touching him.

Aizawa quickly put out a reassuring pose, ensuring him safety if he relaxed.

F/N slowly and steadily took deep breaths and regulated his hyperventilating.

Aizawa stuck out a hand at the worried and anxious F/N and touched his forehead.

F/N immediately froze and soon leaned into the touch.

"F/N, right? You'll be fine soon."
Aizawa then walked out of the room, leaving the villain in he room alone.

Innocent (BNHA/MHA x Villain!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now