Chapter 17 - Sharks & Minows

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After reciting the First few elements, that I already knew...what I like my elements?

Carbon is my favorite.

Anyway, totally off topic.

I practically run out of the classroom, leaving Pink- purple eyed jerk -whose name I learned is Aiden, and April in the class. I've had enough of crazed mates, and their damn issues, this is too much.

I honestly just want to go home.

Luckily, it's time for the holy trinity medicine for mood killers.



You guessed correct!

It's lunch time!

I practically dance in the hallway.

Get it Alex! Get it! I mentally encourage myself as I do little dance moves, walking to the lunch room.

"Ayeee, Mate!"

I hear yelled down the hallway.

Ew, whoever's doing that is a creep, and who even likes being called Mate? It's so generically cringey. Not to mention the fact that this is a coed werewolf, and human school.

I'm going to assume it probably isn't the best to be yelling that down the hallwa-

"Mateeeeee! Maybe you could know... Stop walking so fast?!"

The voice is closer now.

Well, he can't be talking to me, I think as I unconsciously start walking faster.

"Really?! Alex- You're practically running!" Who's ever talking responds to my thoughts which kinda takes me off guard.

Which makes me consciously begin to run.

"Oh no you don't!" The male voice grunts before I hear screeching shoes behind me.

"Run faster girl! He's on your tail!"

I turn my head, and what the person saying is true, I'm practically running down the hallway, and Jackson is practically right behind me on my trail.


He is on the football team isn't he?!

"Run forest Run!" I hear an idiot guy yell.

Oh great, aren't you guys just helpful? If this was a horror movie you'd all be witnesses! I think edgily.

"Get her Jackson! Don't let her get away!" I hear someone else yell.

"You know I'm not, bruh" the idiot Jackson responds egging it on.

"Stoppppp! Leave me alone!" I yell like a maniac, while running faster, practically running students into the ground as I pass them.

I'm just not going to make it through this semester I see.

"I'm just trying to help you...?!" He says practically directly into my ear.

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