The Party.

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                                                                                Chapter One.

"Stephanie, why are you dragging me to this party, I told you a million times, I didn't want to go." Amanda said, as she was being  dragged up the walk way to the Moxley household. Loud music could be heard from where she was being dragged, as Stephanie looked at her. "Because my brother requested you be here." Amanda scrunched up her face in disgust, she couldn't stand the sight of Jon Moxley. "He's an abuser. You saw what he did to Victoria." Amanda said as she vangly remembered Jon slapping Victoria in front of the entire school before he was arrested for assult. "You're brother is an out of control raging beast." 

Soon after Stephanie and Amanda entered the party, Stephanie abandoned her as Amanda stood awkwardly in the corner of the smoke filled house. She felt so out of place, watching people grinding to whatever song was playing. Jon Moxley, stood opposite corner of his house, cigarette hung loosely in his mouth, bottle of jack in the other. He was watching Amanda closely as he took a swig from the bottle. The skank next to him, trying very hard to earn his attention but he wasn't even paying any mind to her. He'd have to thank his sister later for getting Amanda to even enter his house.  All of a sudden, Papa Roaches 'Forever' Started playing, and Jon placed his hand on the skanks face and shoved her away, making his way towards his obsession.  What he saw made him see red. He threw the Jack Daniels bottle over at Tim McGuires head, just missing, watching it shatter against the wall. The music and the party went dead silent as everyone watched as Jon Moxley stormed over and grabbed Tim by the back of his head, slamming him face first into the fireplace mantel hearing the satisfying sound of his nose breaking. Jon then bent down, and whispered darkly in his ear. "She's mine, I suggest you stay the fuck away from what's mine or next time it won't be your nose pretty boy." Jon shoved him roughly away and turned to Amanda, watching her stand there frozen by fear. He picked her up, and carried her upstairs to his room. "Party's fucking over!"

Jon walked into his room, cursing that he didn't pick up anything but not that it minded as he laid Amanda gently on his bed. As soon as Amanda came in contact with the mattress, she screamed and made a run for the door, only for Jon to block it and smirk down at her. "Going somewhere baby?" He asked, tilting his head. "You're crazy! I'm not your Baby! What you did to Tim was uncalled for!" Jon looked at her his eyes darkening. "It was called for, why do you think guys don't give you a second glace? Why do you think they don't talk to you? They know you're mine! They know you're my obsession, I made it very clear to every fucking guy in school that you are mine Amanda Elizabeth Cord!" Amanda glared at him. "I'm not yours. You can't go around saying anything like that!" Amanda said, slapping him across the face. "You just sparked something sweetheart, something that you're not prepared for." Jon said, before picking her up, and tossing her on his bed. He got on top of her, and smirked. Amanda started screaming but that tell on death's ears with Jon as his booming chuckles were making her angry. "Sound proof room baby, no one can hear us, scream all you want, you're just turning me on more." Amanda started slapping at his chest. "I hate you! I hate everything about you!" Jon smirked. "And that's exactly why I love you." He said before leaning down, and roughly kissing her. 

Amanda kept trying to push him off, but that didn't stop Jon from grinding his hard on into her, smirking at the reaction he got when he felt her shiver and saw her bite down on her lower lip. "You just can't resist me baby, can you?" Amanda smirked, plan in mind. "You're right Jonny, I've been a fool to not see what's been in front of me this whole time. Make love to me?" Jon bit his lip, as he leaned down kissing her neck, but made the mistake of leaning up and her knee connected with his hard on. "Fuck!" He grabbed himself, as he fell backwards onto his bedroom floor, as Amanda ran out of his room.

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