The Emergency Room.

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Chapter Three.

Jon climbed into the back of the ambulance and held Amanda's hand. He watched the EMT's with close eyes as they began wrapping some type of medical cloth around her head. "Is she going to be okay? Brain damage or anything?" Jon asked, stroking his thumb over her knuckles. "We won't know anything until she's admitted and has an MRI done." Jon nodded, as he stared down at her. He felt so much rage towards Brian O'Niel for even distracting her like that. Even he knew better than to whistle while she was climbing the rope for the fear of this happening. 

Once at the hospital, the paramedics opened the back doors and wheeled her out, with Jon's help of course. "Now son, you have to wait out here." The paramedic said. "The hell I am, I don't know you enough to leave you alone with her!" Jon said glaring. "Listen, you have to wait out here, as soon as I know any word on your friend-" "Girlfriend." Jon interrupted, "Girlfriend, I'll come out, and you'll be the first to know." Jon had no choice but to nod his head, and sit in one of the unconformable hospital chairs. 

Jon was staring down at the floor, more or so his boots, his legs shaking from nerves as he awaited news on Amanda. He was biting at the side of his thumb on a hangnail, as he stood, not being able to stand sitting any longer, and began pacing the floor. In the time he was waiting, which was two hours so far, he began to think of how he approached Amanda. He never should of been such a sexiest pig as his way of showing her he liked her. Jon shook his head, he didn't like her, he loved her. He fell in love with her beautiful face, her blonde hair, her greenish blue eyes, her smile, the slight dimples that showed when her smile lit up a room. Just thinking about it made Jon smile. 

"JON!" Jon looked up, seeing his sister, and Amanda's parents running up to him. Jon knew from the look her parents were giving him they probably thought this was his fault. "Mr. And Mrs. Cord, with all due respect this isn't my fault, my sister can even back me up on that." Jon said with a slight crack in his voice, he was cracking under the harsh gaze from her father. "It's true, if anything he wanted to beat up Brian O'Niel who distracted her and caused her fall." Jon glared down at the floor. "Still do, anyone in their right mind knows not to distract someone who's climbing up a rope." Stephanie nodded in agreement. 

Pretty soon the double doors opened, and the doctor walked out. "Family of Amanda Cord?" Jon moved so her parents could move forward. "What happened to her?" Her mother asked, as Stephanie and Jon stood behind them. The doctor looked behind them. "Their her friends, they can know." Her mother added. "Very well. You're daughter has a Brain Hemorrhage." Jon looked at the doctor. "And that is?" He asked, biting his nail. "In other words, bleeding on the brain. She's in critical condition right now, and if the pressure doesn't go down, we'll have to go in and relieve the pressure." Stephanie looked at the doctor. "You mean cut her head open?" The doctor nodded. "But let's hope it doesn't come to that. She's sedated right now, but you can go in and see her." The doctor walked away.

"Let her parents go first Jon." Jon nodded, as her parents walked into her room. More waiting. Jon paced the floor as Stephanie sat down. "Jon, you're wearing a track in the floor." Stephanie said, looking up from one of the outdated magazines she was reading. "Sorry." Jon said as the doors to the entrance opened and in walked Brian O'Niel. "Son of a bitch." Jon said, seeing him holding flowers. "Amanda Cord's room?" Jon walked over. "She's not up for visitors right now, as a matter a fact, She's sedated so she wouldn't even be awake to hear your sorry excuse of an apology. Leave now, the only people allowed in that room are the doctor, her assigned nurse, my sister, me and most importantly her parents." Brian looked at Jon. "What happened to her?" He asked softly. "Why on earth should I tell you?" Jon asked. "Jon! Go sit down!" Stephanie said, walking up to Brian. "She has a brain hemorrhage, meaning Bleeding on the brain. She's in critical right now, they said if the pressure doesn't go down, they'll have to go in and relieve the pressure." Stephanie said, tears building up in her eyes. She was wishing Roman would hurry up and show up. "Thanks, make sure she gets these." Brian said handing her the flowers and leaving. Stephanie walked over to her brother. "You're such an ass. He's already beating himself up for what happened to her." Jon looked at his sister. "Good, because the physical beating comes after I make sure she's okay."

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