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Detention, a place Hope had been quite a few times now. She was quite a sassy character, so it wasn't surprising to find her there once more, except this time, she had a motive.

It was quite simple, really; everyone knew Mr Burnaby was always on the brim of blowing his top off, so all Hope had to do was push him in the right direction with a couple of snide comments about geography and he went ballistic. Hope had been waiting for ages for a moment like this. Her and Chris, alone. Well, as alone as you can be, surrounded by nitwits who couldn't finish the stupid baby questions on time. 

It wasn't Chris' fault he couldn't finish either, that was just another part of Hope's sneaky plan. She had been working on it for days now; offer to help hand out the worksheets, slip Chris a harder one, knowing that Mr Burnaby would hold them in because he loved to do that; then it was just a matter of landing herself in detention with him. Now she had a whole hour to do whatever she wanted with him, under close teacher supervision, of course. She glanced over at him. He looked even better close up. Smooth lips, curled from frustration; tan, muscle etched skin; golden hair that fell in his face every time he looked down, and deep blue eyes you could sink into for hours. Hope knew that she was perfect for Chris.

Hope had pitch black hair, slanted eyes, and smooth, pale skin. She was also quite smart; she found this really annoying as people would tell her it was because of the "Asians are good at math stereotype" which she hated to hear. Couldn't she just be smart because she was smart?

Soon, Hope started up a conversation with Chris, but had to resort to help him with his maths at the same time,

"So I heard you're - Angles on a straight line are equal to 180, and angles in a triangle also add to 180 so the answer is 70 - having a pool party at your place next week?"

"Yeah, I guess." Their conversation continued similarly (to Hope's dismay) for the rest of the hour, with Hope asking him questions and answering math problems while Chris replied half-heartedly, obviously desperate to get out of detention sooner rather than later. Hope could understand where he was coming from. Knowing their group, they were probably out celebrating something with pizza about now. Hope brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes as she answered Chris' last question, and just as Mr Burnaby stood up to tell them the hour was over and they could leave. Chris stood up and dramatically brushed off his pants

"Whew! What a workout that was!" He said laughing

"Haha yeah, I guess..." Hope responded reluctantly

"You know, I don't think Mr Burnaby taught us that stuff this year. I probably fell asleep in class or something."

"Yeah, well, they were pretty hard..."

"Maybe I should ask him to see if I can catch up." Chris started to walk away but Hope quickly snatched his arm and pulled him back,

"Look, I'm sure it's ok, and what are you worrying about? School's out!" Chris smiled,

"You're right, Hope, should I call the others and see where they are?"

"Maybe in a little bit, but what do you say we grab sushi in town first, I bet they already ate, right?"

"Um, ok, yeah, I guess." Hope smiled. Date number one, here I come.

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