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His body was giving up, but his mind was possessed with the word "success". He couldn't call his girlfriend nor his parents, because of his hectic schedules.

He would starve himself to death just to achieve the ideal type of an idol. If he made a single mistake, there's a big punishment waiting for him. He got used to it, but it didn't stopped him, instead taught him to work even harder than before.

He couldn't buy a meal for his self, since he's a trainee and doesn't have enough money.

Summer, Autumn, amd Spring had passed and it's already Winter. He lost contact with his girlfriend and parents.

He finally debuted as a solo artist and his compositions were popularly known as "most played song of all time". He can now afford those expensive things that he and his family couldn't before.

Once again, he remembered his family and his girlfriend. He felt miserable, but he had no choice because he have to work harder to achieve "success".

He smiled as he saw those couples at the streets walking together in a Winter Season.
Snows covered the ground and even the houses around.

He missed his Yesul so much. He visited his family and they ate together. His family thought he had forgotten about them already, but he just smiled and explained to them what had happened.

He told them that he can now have day-offs unlike before. His parents were glad about it.

After hanging out with his parents, he decided to look for his girlfriend. "Did she changed her phone number?"

He assumed that he will not meet her this time. He went to a park just near a river. He felt a sudden ache on his heart as he saw a familiar figure.

"Faker," he mumbled and cursed under his breath. She's happy sitting with another man on the ground, while eating snacks.

He stood there and tried his best not to misunderstand her. Perhaps, he's just a close friend of her.

But, again she proved him wrong. Tears heavily escaped his eyes after he saw their lips touched and their hands, interlocked.

It was the first time that he cried after a break up. Even though he already had an ex-girlfriend before.

"It was a mistake to go here." he said as he looked down and headed back to his dorm.

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