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     𝓣𝓗𝓔 venue was tiny but that didn't stop more people from piling in. I moaned and groaned about it for the first ten minutes we were here, getting used to a few elbows hitting me in the arm but not the huge feet stepping on my SK8-Hi's. The main performers Amancia had brought us to see hadn't even touched the stage yet but the crowd was still going crazy for the opening acts. There was a whole lot of screaming and lyrics I couldn't understand well. I had my eyebrows raised up high as I looked at the fans with somewhat of a stank face.

     "You really brought me to a fucking mosh concert?" I said loudly in my best friend's ear so she could hear me. A smile covered her face as she rolled her eyes at me, shrugging and taking a sip of whatever it was she had from a styrofoam cup. I crossed my arms over my chest out of annoyance.

     I could be back at the apartment right now taking a bubble bath, with a face mask on and a glass of sweet red wine in hand but no. Instead I'm going to suffer from a sore body because of sixteen year old kids flinging their limbs around everywhere to music I couldn't even dance to.

     "I'm good friends with Stokeley, he goes by Ski! They'll be on soon!" Amancia said, trying to get me in a better mood. When she noticed I still wasn't feeling it she slapped my arm with the back of her hand, giving me her meanest stink eye. I winced and rubbed my arm as I listened to Amancia's high pitched voice go off on me.

     "Loosen up, hoe. All you've been doing is working, sleeping in and unpacking shit for the last two weeks. The least you could do is enjoy a night out even if it's not something you've never been interested in. Find a nigga or something!"

     I snorted in amusement, "All the niggas I've seen are ugly, underage looking. And I've only seen like...five! Everybody in this bitch is a blanquito or Latino, saying nigga knowing damn well they ain't Black. I'll pass!" I chirped in a passive aggressive manner.

     Besides, I had heard about how crazy Florida guys were. It seemed like every wild news report was coming out of this state. It kind of baffled me that I was living here now. I can't even believe I'll be calling this place home.

     So far, I wasn't that impressed.

     Sure Florida had beaches and palm trees which Texas didn't have much of but I would've loved if I could've stayed back home in all honesty. All I knew though was that I wouldn't have progressed if I continued living in the Lone Star State, there were way too many things that held me back and making it hard for me to be the best me I could be. I needed a change in everything. A peaceful environment.

     This damn concert wasn't that at all. Not shit was calm or serene.

     "Look, I know you don't fuck with this type of scene, I totally get it. I won't ever bring you back. Ever again. But for right now? Shut up and live a little bit. ¿Lo tengo?" Amancia asked rhetorically, shooting me a stern look.

     "Comprendido." I sighed in response.

     Not long after the stage became empty for the exception of the DJ playing popular rap songs you'd hear on the radio. Red, blue and green spotlights gave the venue an aura that kind of excited me. The energy died down a bit as well, kids weren't violently jumping up and down or slinging their arms and legs for once. I could handle this. Amancia had grabbed a hold of my hand to tug us towards the front of the crowd since a lot of people migrated towards the back to grab free water. "They're about to come on!"

     It had also seemed as if everyone around me I kept saying "X", "X" this, "Bring out X" that while Amancia had us rushing through the crowd to get to the stage. At first I thought everyone was wanting esctacy pills to take or some shit like that but as time passed I realized that it was a performer they were talking about.

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