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Y/N's P.O.V

I sat next to Dean in the kitchen, a box of pizza on the table.

"I'm back, Bitches!" Charlie's voice echoed through the bunker, followed by the sound of the door closing.

"Nope." I grabbed the mostly full pizza box and teleported to my room.
I could almost hear Sam's laughter and Dean's annoyance.
After a few minutes, the older Winchester burst into my room and glared at me.

"Y/N. Pizza. Now." I went to hand him the box, but he grabbed my wrist.
"Come on, let's get this sorted."

"I hate you so much right now." I muttered and an idea popped into my head.
"Not as much as you're going to hate me, though."

"What?" Without really thinking it through, I teleported is both to the kitchen and Sam glared at me for making him jump again. According to Sam, Dean really hated the teleportation thing.
"I'm going to kill you." Dean groaned, snatching the pizza box and sitting down.

"Heya!" Charlie walked in and I was thankful she didn't do it sooner.

"Hey." Sam and I said in unison, Dean waved, his mouth full of pizza.

"Ive been gone a few days, what did I miss?" The boys exchanged a look and I awkwardly buy my lip.
"What?" Charlie asked worriedly and I looked at Dean for help.

"You're the You-know-what, you tell her!" I groaned and Sam shrugged.

"Hey, I'm not fully human." I said awkwardly.

"Excuse me?" Charlie asked in confusion.

"Don't be pissed, but I'm a horrible person because I never told you about the twin brother I had, but he died because of me. Anyway, my dad isn't my dad, Crowley is and I'm half demon." I said quickly and Charlie blinked a few times.

"What?" Dean sighed.

"Y/N's parents were hunters. Her mother was pregnant with twins, one was her brother." Dean said calmly and Charlie's eyes were wide.

"The babies had different fathers. One was the man Y/N thought was her dad, but her father is actually the king of hell, Crowley." Sam continued. Charlie nodded her head and I couldn't read the expression on her face.

"Meaning I'm half Demon. A Cambion, or whatever. Crowley actually sent Daniel to protect me, but got the message wrong and thought he had to watch me, not knowing who or what I actually was." Charlie slumped down in the chair opposite Dean.

"So... you're the Antichrist?" She asked slowly and I nodded.
"That's kind of awesome, but why didn't you tell me about your brother and why didn't you realise until now?"

"Kind of awesome?" I asked in genuine surprise and Charlie shrugged.

"I'm kind of pissed you didn't tell me, but that's your business."

"Uh, my brother died. My dad, or the guy I thought was my dad, tried to make a deal with Crowley, like a kid trade. But Crowley couldn't do it, blah blah blah, warding carved into my shoulder. Crowley took it off."

"Dead brother. Antichrist. Parents were hunters." Charlie said shortly.
"Does that mean you have some kind of supernatural ability?"

"I don't know? Does it?" I teleported behind Charlie and she jumped.
"What about holy water and salt?"

"What about them?" I asked in confusion.

"I forgot you're not a hunter." Sam laughed.

"Yeah," Dean said kind of awkwardly.
"Holy water burns demons and they can't pass a line of salt."

"Oh. Is this another one of those 'Hey let's see what we can do to stop or kill her, because who knows? She might go darkside.'" I said a little hurt and Sam immediately frowned.

"Y/N, you know I'm sorry about that." He said and I sighed.

"I know, but I know you're also curious. If you're going to test me, get it over with." Sam's eyes lit up and Dean watched us cautiously.

"Sammy, don't go too far." He said.
"Y/N is still half human."

"I know." I followed Sam down the corridor into one of the storage rooms. He moved the bookshelves, revealing a hidden room.

"Sex dungeon? Kinda creepy, but if that's what you're into..." Sam looked at me with disgust and I burst out laughing.

"Go sit in the chair." He said and I looked at the markings on the floor.

"Literally all of my... Demonic half is screeching at me to stay away from that." Sam nodded.

"Yeah. It's a devils trap. Makes demons powerless and they can't escape unless the trap is broken." I cautiously walked in.

"Whoa. That's really fucking weird." I muttered.
"I feel human again."

"Try and walk out of it." I did as he said, but I couldn't.
"Ok." He pulled out the weird knife that I used to kill Daniel. Scratching at the marks, I felt the demon half of me returning.
"Hold out your hand."
I held out my hand and he took it, reaching behind him onto the table. He flicked some water onto my hand.

"Ow." It barely stung and my hand steamed a little.

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