Chapter 2: Meeting of the Hounds

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"Hero Without Legend"

Chapter 2: Meeting of the Hounds

Connla and the defeated Red Branch soldiers looked up at the hill looming over them where the new male's voice came from. There stood a man who was six feet tall with long blue hair tied back into a thin ponytail. He wore a form-fitting ultramarine bodysuit covered in runic patterns, which was very similar to Connla's mint green suit. Resting over his shoulders was a two meter long red javelin covered in jagged creases. His eyes were a bright ruby red that commanded the respect of lesser men. He certainly gave off the aura that he was like a god given flesh. That wasn't a lie either, for this man was none other than the Child of Light, son of the Sun God Lugh and the princess of Ulster Deichtine; Setanta, popularly known as Cuchulainn, or Culann's Savage Dog.

"You finally came, friend," Laeg said. "It is shameful to admit it, but we are at a loss here."

"Hoh? Well, well. Dealing with Connacht's invading forces is one thing, but if we have any intruders coming from Scotland, it'll be quite troublesome for me. Best to nip this little problem while it's still a bud."

Cuchulainn leapt high and twisted his body about in a display of finesse and flexibility. He landed hard, then stood back up and gazed upon the scene. He wasn't too impressed with seeing Conall and several of his other comrades fallen to their knees, but asked regardless, "So, who's responsible for this fracas?"

"Over there," Conall pointed over at Connla. The Ulster hero stared at the girl for a moment, then raised his eyebrow and frowned hard. He wasn't sure if his friend was pulling some kind of twisted joke on him.

Conall continued, "Lord Concobhar and I found her shooting down birds with a sling of stones. He was impressed enough to ask me to approach, believing she would be a good candidate as a soldier for our boy-troop. But when I asked for her name and lineage, she remained silent and attacked me without warning. She likewise has worn down Laeg and the others."

"She still hasn't said anything either," another man uttered. "We have no idea what to do with her."

"Interesting," Cuchulainn muttered, unable to resist smiling. He raised his hand and commanded, "All of you leave here at once. I will deal with this myself."


"If you don't want to be killed, then leave already, dammit!"

The men gasped at the hero's fierce bark and retreated from the immediate area without further argument. Concobhar ordered everyone to stay far away from the lakeside so the two fighters would have enough room to battle without endangering them. With the spectators out of the way, Cuchulainn could take his time 'interrogating' Connla, though he didn't anticipate it would take too long.

"All right then," he announced, "now that I have the floor, don't expect for things go your way anymore, missy."

"Who might you be?" Connla asked.

"Come on now. If you're not going to introduce yourself, why should I? It's not nice when only one party is exercising good manners."

"I suppose. If you're the only one here, then it must mean you have considerable skill to face me."

"Not gonna lie about that. Compared to dealing with that sass Medb and her army of cheating flunkies, taking on an opponent in an honest match will literally be child's play to me. Well, I might say that, but-"

Cuchulainn twirled Gae Bolg and pointed it at her. "I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of dueling a small girl like yourself. I will warn you beforehand; when I am in a serious battle, there is nothing that will stop me short of defeat on either of our parts."

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