chapter 3

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(Author's note : lejla's name will be lele now)

After Mini brought xhoi home he told him to do a cold shower to come to hi senses. Xhoi showered and the sat at the couch. He was staring at Mini with some scary eyes. Xhoi didn't like going to family gathering but Mini always convinced him.

Mini: yah. Why are u looking ate me like that. Dress up or you'll be late
Xhoi: call yourself lucky that you're my friend or you won't know what would I've done to you
Mini goes near him and pinch him everywhere lol
Mini: huh what , what u were going to do huh what what
Xhoi: yahh stopp stt..opp ahahahah stoppp nothing nothing I won't have done nothing stop it ahahahah
Mini: now dress up pls bc I'm going to finish some of YOUR WORKS bc none of any menager in korea won't accept working with you. Aigooo ncncnnc
Xhoi: did u finish? Go now
Mini: aigoo ncnnnc
Xhoi: yahh Minii stop....ohh Miniiiiii Minii
Mini: yahhh stop calling me Mini or whatever is that ughh
Xhoi: Miniiii Miniii

Mini follow him around his house  and when he catch him he was pinching him. Then the housekeeper came and brought em their drinks and was coughing for em to notice her bc it was an awkward embarrassed moment. They stoped.

Mini: I'm going...bc..that work..u know it bye
Xhoi: yeahh go go

2 weeks pass and it's time for kejsi to come to korea. With her came and Lele (lejla but now I changed the name like I told u in the first)
Girls travelled to korea by plane. When they arrived here some of the company's workers acompained the girls to the company and gave to they some  flower bouquets. Kejsi was so happy. Kejsi send a message to em and thanked em for everything. When the girls arrived to the company many fans were waiting for her. She was suprised bc she didn't knew she hadr so many fans from korea. She already knew the reason why this company choose her. When she went off the car many fans were calling her name and begged for an autograph. She gave some of em an autograph.and hugged em. Meanwhile in the same direction kejsi was , was and xhoi. They didn't have much road to pass so he was a bit stuck. He pushed kejsi and kejsi fell to the ground. He didn't help her and walked on to the company. Lele helped her and fans were worried about her. Now they didn't want xhoi to be the main character bc he's so rude and will always hurt kejsi like he did now. Kejsi and Xhoi didn't saw each other in the face plus they had glasses on
Kejsi went inside the building then and the director was waiting for her. They greet each other than he told her to go to this room bc actors will be known with each other but ofc later they will have a welcoming party only for her. She was happy and went inside that room. Lele wasn't allowed to go there so other menagers too. She went to a big salon when ppl could have a drink or eat sth. She ordered a drink and sat there. There was passing by Mini. When Lele stand up to get the drink her blouse stucked and she loose her ecuiliber then she fell into the Mini's arms while the drink was in his blouse lol. They were seeing each other in the eyes for some seconds but later Lele came to her senses and told him that he can let her go now. He let her and Lele was asking for forgiveness to him. Lele's blouse was ripped and some parts of her body were descovered. Mini saw that she was feeling bad while some guys were seeing her and took off his jacket and gave it to her. Than he grabed her hand and took her to his office and told her to wait therr till he came with a new blouse. She said yes and was waiting for him. After a while Mini came and gave her a new blouse. He let her borrow his special room to change and when she changed that and came out she asked again for forgiveness

Lele: I'm so sorry really I'm so so sorry
Mini: how many times u will say that I've already forgiven you
Lele: oh thank you sir
Mini: so what's your name you beautiful girl   *blushingggggg*
Lele: My name is Lele Stue and you?
Mini: wow what a beautiful name u have just like u are. Well my name is Kim Minseok
Lele: u have a nice name too
Mini: well I haven't seen u before I guess it's your first time here. What brought you here?
Lele: I'm the menagerie of Kejsi Bilcari that actress from Turkey
Mini: oh the main actress. I'm the menager of the main actor too, Xhoi Balldarit
Lele: what? Did u just say xhoi balldari?
Mini: yeah , what's wrong with him. Why is your face like that
Lele:oh no I gotta go thnx for the blouse

Yoo this is my next chapter I hope you are enjoying it😊 What will happen with Xhoi and Kejsi? Will they recognise each other? Continue reading this and u WILL KNOW MOREE😀 A LOT of funny scenes and hot ones are coming
Don't forget to vote and if you're lonely feel free to talk with me I'm always here😄😄😄❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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