Chapter 13 : A Shota's Shame

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My name is Nathan Nishimura, I was a 48 years old Japanese man. I died in a plane crash and transmigrated to a world in my novel Immortalis called Urth, an alternate Earth. I am now Nikita Ong, the main character that gets raped regularly in my boy love novel, Immortalis.

My mother was suppose to meet me today. She flew in all the way from Russia where she was visiting friends and family members. She even bought me a gift, a blue dress from Russia. The only problem is I am a guy ! Argh ! I am a 12 year old Shota boy that looks like a girl ! On top of that I think I might be bent ! I imagined Colin Potter was a girl molesting me while I was sleeping on his lap ! I had an erection ! Argh ! For Gods sake, Colin Potter is a guy ! How could I mistake him for a girl ? Am I bent ? (Bent = Gay)

As I (Nikita Ong) woke up this morning, I looked at the blue dress in front of me bought by my mother Alexandra Vasile. I (Nikita Ong) had the thought of burning the girl's dress on the spot but then decided not to as it would arouse the suspicion of Nikita's mother Alexandra Vasile. I gritted my teeth and put on the dress.

Mark's POV

It was a beautiful morning as I stare at Nikita's room, my beloved Nikita who I love dearly. There was a tall beautiful blonde woman walking with two bodyguards in tow to Nikita's room. Is she Nikita's mother ? She is so beautiful. I see where Nikita got his looks from. But Nikita is by far more beautiful than her even as a child at this moment.

Wait. Nikita's room door is opening. What ? A beautiful girl ? She is so beautiful. Is she Nikita's twin sister ? Her long golden hair is billowing in the wind. Her beautiful blue eyes pulls in your soul. And her slim slender legs shows her beautiful hairless porcelain skin. Beautiful. Just beautiful. Wait that face. It's Nikita !

Nikita Ong's POV

I (Nikita Ong) had finished wearing my dress and walked out of my room to greet my mother. I (Nikita Ong) have never been so ashamed. My mother always have bodyguards with her, both hidden and non hidden. Wait. Is that Mark staring at me there. God damn it ! It really is Mark the creep ! I should just ignore him as mother is here.

"Good morning mother....", I said sweetly (Nikita Ong)

"Good morning Nikita. Are you ready to go and spend some time in Perth mega city with mother ?", Alexandra Vasile replied back sweetly.

"Yes But can you let me go to London Court in St George Street for a while. I want to look at some stamps and coins for my collection.", I said sweetly (Nikita Ong). (Note : London Court is a shopping area located in Perth city)

"Yes, we can go there first before we have some morning tea together.", Alexandra Vasile replied sweetly while looking at Nikita lovingly.

When Nikita arrived at the stamps and coin shop in London Court, the owner George was in shock. George had always seen a young beautiful boy together with an older boy patronising his stamp and coin shop, however he had never seen such a beautiful young girl visit his shop before. Usually the people that visit his shop were all old men. Whenever George sees someone new enter his shop he would try to cheat them. George was a dishonest businessman. As for Nikita his mind was 48 years old Japanese man that recently started to collect stamps and coins to relieve the stress of protecting his chrysanthemum (Note : chrysanthemum = anal hole).

"Hello miss.. Are you looking for anything ?", George said in a sweet tone.

"Huh !", I (Nikita Ong) said in shock in a feminine voice.

Now, Nikita knew that George was a dishonest businessman after he visited his shops a few times and was cheated. George liked to take out stamps and coins purchased by the buyer out of the bundle of stamps and coins that they bought. And if you did not request for a docket he would charge you a higher price than the one stated on the items. Yes, George was scum, but he was a smart scum that only preyed on the in-experienced and the young. George called it his baptism of fire for young collectors of stamps and coins.

However this time George was smitten by Nikita's beautiful young girl look. George was a Lolita lover or a lolicon.

"Miss.... can you give me your phone number ?", George said in a leery tone as he was smitten by Nikita in a dress.

"........", I (Nikita Ong) said while my mouth twitched as I decided to leave the shop and not buy anything from this stamps and coin shop again. Because I am a 48 year old Japanese man and I (Nikita Ong) am not a girl !

George's POV

Such a beautiful girl appeared in my shop. Long blonde flowing hairs. Eyes like the deepest blue sapphire that draws your soul in. Beautiful red pouty lips. Long slender legs. And hairless perfect porcelain skin. A refreshing smell of pine cones and summer breeze came from her body. She is just beautiful. Should I ask for her number ? Yes, I should do that. After all she should be grateful that I want to know her. What ? She just left. What just happened ?

Once that ordeal was over I (Nikita Ong) settled down in a cafe on Kings Street in Perth mega city with my mother Alexandra Vasile. As we sat and ate, a male waiter hit on me and asked me for my phone number. Screw you ! I am a man ! Are you blind ? Even if I am turning bent, I won't give anyone my telephone number, I will stay a virgin for the rest of my life protecting my chrysanthemum. (Note : bent = gay, chrysanthemum = anal hole).

"Nikita....", Alexandra Vasile said sweetly as she looked at her son.

"Yes, mother.", I (Nikita Ong) replied softly while my cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

"If anything was to happen, please use this hand phone and call the number on it. Say you are in danger and my friends and family will come and get you from Russia.", Alexandra Vasile said as she pushed a small handphone onto Nikita's small beautiful hand.

"What ? Something will happen....", I (Nikita Ong) blurted out as I looked at my mother in a new light. She had actually wanted to protect me. Tears start forming on my trembling eyes making me look softer and cuter.

"What about you ?", I (Nikita Ong) asked softly.

"Ah. Don't worry about me, I will be fine.", Alexandra Vasile lied as she had planned to kill herself if anyone wanted to find Nikita to sacrifice to the space gods awakening in France.

"......", I (Nikita Ong) looked at my mother and knew she was lying as from the host's memories he would remember Alexandra Vasile would always tap her right hand nervously when she lied. Alexandra Vasile was doing that now. Tears once again began to form in my eyes. My mother loved me so much that she would die for me. My heart felt warm, I have never felt this way before. Other than my parents in my previous life, no one had treated me this well.

"Mother....", I (Nikita Ong) said softly and sweetly with emotion for the first time in my life to my mother Alexandra Vasile.

Alexandra Vasile looked at her son Nikita and smiled at him calmly and sweetly.

Meanwhile in France in a control room, a handsome Caucasian Frenchman was calling on a fixed private line to Edward Ong Kian Ming in Singapore while looking at the monitor showing the space god Odin in a cave in France.

"Edward ! Come immediately.", the man said on the fixed line phone to Edward Ong Kian Ming (Nikita's father).

To be continued....

(Note : I am back from holiday. Thanks for the support. I will try to post more chapters)

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