Chapter 7

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*********** Harry's POV **********

"Oh my god, is she alright? Is she alive? Is she conscious? Oh my god, what happened?! Is she okay? Holy crap that's why she wasn't at school... I want to see her! I NEED to see her! Is she fine?" I asked frantically.

"Please calm down sir. She is fine. She fainted and hit her head. I cannot let you in until she gives you permission. Or if you are family. Or her boyfriend... maybe?" the nurse gave me a small smile.

I stood there.

"Yes, this is her boyfriend. Thanks mate!" Niall smiled at the nurse while walking with the nurse to apparent room. She slowly opened the door and smiled at me shyly.

Niall shoved me in, following closely behind.

Georgia's face was buried in a Harry Potter book. I smiled.

"Miss Georgia, your boyfriend is here!" the nurse said.

Niall snickered and I blushed.

"I don't have a-" Georgia stopped herself when she saw it was me. I blushed deeper.

"Oh hi Harry..." she said slowly, as the nurse left and closed the door behind her.

"How the hell did you find me?!" she burst as soon as the nurse left. "And why did she call you my 'boyfriend'?"

I was hurt. "You don't want me to be your boyfriend?"

She looked apoligetic. "No I didn't mean it like- why are you here again?"

I scratched my curls. "Uh well, we were looking for you, just to um, chat... and then we remembered we didn't know where you lived, so we pulled into the hospital to uh, check their white pages and the nurse was all snoopy and asked us who we were looking for so uh, yeah... a fluke I guess.." I smiled slowly.

"Your dimples are so cute..." she whispered.

I blushed. Then I remembered what Cleare had said. I stopped smiling. When Georgia said it, it felt like she wasn't really trying to reel me in... I'm confused with myself now..

"SO, tell us what happened!!" Niall smiled like a little boy.

"If... you're comfortable with that..." I looked at him cautionly.

She grinned at us and started tell us.

"...and now I kinda have no one..." she frowned.

I was quick to respond. "I have a free bedroom in my house! My parents won't mind!

********** Georgia's POV *********

I stared at him. Live... with me? That is totally fine with me. Actually, that's AWESOME. LIKE AMAZING!!

"YEAH SU- I mean sorry I can't..." I frowned. I thought about Cleare. She would just make life worse for me...

"Why not...?" He looked at me with his big warm eyes.

"Because... of my grandad. He won't let me. I'm sorry..." lying tastes so bad in my mouth.

"Oh okay..." he looks down at the floor.

Niall whispers something to him. I frown again.

"Niall's complaining that his food's getting cold in the car," Harry sighed. "We'll come back tomorrow! To, um see you. If that's okay..."

"That's would be really nice!" I smiled at him, waving. He waves back, as they both file out the door.

Harry doesn't look back.

He hates me.

He hates me.


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