chapter twelve

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"It's your fault where lost!" a boys voice spoke he had a very deep voice like jeff yet it was different in a way

M/N guessed that it didn't sound insane more like a normal humans voice

"Excuse me, how is it my fault?" A female voice spoke with so much venom that M/N knew right away that they where siblings

"You and your slow ass wasn't fast enough to buy grocery's, now we have to walk aimlessly through this damn fog!" 

'Can we just ignore them and go for someone else?' Puppeteer asked with a plead in his voice

'No we can't, besides they seem like the kind of people who would kill each other' M/N heard puppeteer groan at his response but stopped when they heard them say something

"I'll kill you!" the female yell M/N saw the female aim or hit everywhere while the boy was in front of her

The female had short red hair that looked like it was well taken care of, she wore a blue shirt with a male in the front

M/N remember people talking about the male mostly females talked about him

If he remembers correctly his name was justin beaver was that his name?

  Anyway the female wore black ripped shorts that looked like they where pants before she scissored them off making them shorts

The male wore a white plain shirt with black pants though the female was the average size of a teenage girl but her vibe told people around her to back off

Her brother was muscular in a way that woman would like or for his case teens, but his aura told them he's not interested with anyone and wouldn't give two shits if they get hurt

There yells got louder that EJ snuggles more into my neck with a loud groan causing the two teens to look at our direction

"W-What was that" the female asked her brother while she looked around the fog with a scared expression

"Hah is someone scared" the male teased at her sister who in returned growled

"Of course not, why would I be scared?" the female answered back with anger

"I can't watch this anymore" jeff said while making me sprint to the female

Jeff quickly ran to her with no hesitation he then made me tackle her to the floor while taking one hand off of EJ's thighs 

"Mhhm!" a muffled was heard from the female we hovered over the female while pressing our foot on her stomach and one hand covering her mouth

she squirmed under Jeff's grip but all we did was smile insanely

The red head girl stopped struggling and looked at us with a glare

"Is there another way for us to take there souls out" Jeff asked with a tilt of his head making mine tilt too

"Well you can just put your hand on there foreheads while chanting" M/N said watching with his very eyes he saw Jeff grabbed her head with the one covering her mouth

We chanted words in a different language M/N guessed Zalgo was helping them with it the accent that we spoke

The female screamed so loud it must've woken or startled the people around them

Her soul was taken out replaced by one of the creepypasta's

This time we couldn't feel who  soul was taken out of M/N's mind, not even he knows

"So who's gone" Masky asked everyone didn't speak Jeff stood up with EJ still on M/N's/creepypasta's back

"We won't know until she wakes up, though it would be funny if she was a boy" Masky said while laughing at the thought

"Oh yeah and what would happen if it was YOU who gets stuck in a girls body hmmm" Toby made me stick out my tongue at him, Jeff however pushed him aside while trying to take control of my body without the others doing it

"Guys look" Hoodie pointed ahead of him to see the male stumbling around he cursed under his breath to the fog but stopped when there was silence

"H-Hello" the boy stuttered out he tripped over his own feet or that's what he thought

Falling down on his face he groaned in pain Jeff had his body towering over him

The rest stayed quiet while watching through my eyes at everything Jeff does

"Go to SLEEP!"

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