chapter twenty

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M/N walked into the loud kitchen he looked around the room to see the kitchen looking more decent than before, there were a few places where it needed to be fixed or replaced. He was able to see bits of wood chipped on the edges of the tables and cupboard. He saw broken cupboards and sinks he even saw a dead mouse on top of one of the shelves. M/N can still smell a hint of death in the room, but it was faint and it almost seemed like it was never there. Everyone was already sitting down and eating.  EJ was on the stove making pancakes with a wooden spatula. "EJ you better not put any kidneys inside that pancake!" Jeff yelled over his shoulder. EJ sigh and threw a fresh kidney on the counter.
"So M/N" Jill gestured to the seat beside her. M/N ignored her and walked up to EJ, who was making sure he didn't burn any of the pancakes.
' bitches ' Jeff thought in his mind. In the corner of M/N's eye, he saw Jeff glaring at the females in the room.
"Need any help, love?" EJ turned to M/N and shook his head. "I have it covered" he stuttered. "Someone's stuttering" M/N purred. EJ grabbed a plate and grabbed a handful of pancakes before placing them on the plate. "Shut it" M/N smirked playfully before grabbing the plate. He turned away from the eyeless male and walked to the seat that was right next to Jeff, far away from the female clown and the other female who hated his guts more than Jeff's.
"M/N, when are we going to look for more vessels?" Jane slowly tapped her nails on the wood, waiting patiently for his answer. He could sense the glare Jane was giving him on the other side of the table. When she spoke he can hear the venom behind her voice.
M/N slowly looked up while swallowing his food.
"We can go out whenever you guys want" M/N replied before stuffing his mouth with food. In the corner of his eye, he watched Jill frown. Her smile came back when Jeff turned to her with a scowl.
"Well I want to leave as soon as possible the more of us there are the better" Ben made M/N point at himself before smirking. "And, I can start playing games again"
'I don't trust that clown' Zalgo suddenly spoke. 'give her a chance Zalgo, she hasn't done anything wrong' M/N felt himself grit his teeth. "That's what I'm afraid of'
"Ben's right, the more of us there are the better" EJ said while flipping the last pancakes, before placing it on a plate. He walked to the table with a stack full of pancakes. "M/N are you alright?" "Your hands are shaking" M/N looked down to see that indeed they were shaking. "Yeah I'm fine" M/N stuttered, he quickly placed his left hand on his right.
"You sure" Jeff took his hand and placed it on his. M/N nodded. His hand was still shaking but he felt weird like all fuzzy inside. He looked at his hand and then at Jeff. This all felt wrong but why did he feel like hugging Jeff?  What is happening!? M/N stood up and pushed his plate away from him. He left without saying a word to anyone, to confused to stay in his seat.
"You really know how to push people away, don't you?" M/N's E/C eyes landed on B/N.
"And you don't know when to shut up" B/N took a step back with wide eyes before a smirk came upon his features.
"You really are pathetic" with that he disappeared leaving no trace behind. Jane came walking out. M/N watched in horror he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He watched a bucket of water fall on her. It drenched her black dress and hair, she gasped then let out an angry roar.
Welp I'm screwed

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