Who I Really Am?

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Everyone was heart broken. Not as much as RJ and Vee. Losing someone they cared about pretty much broke them.

A few weeks went by and there was no word about Glitch's exsistence.

Glitch was considered Dead.

Everyone did their normal routines. Error started talking to himself, saying "Glitch Is alive..." It was driving him insane.

Vee refused to eat and locked herself in her room.

RJ.. Well... She locked herself in Her's and Glitch's room.

Everyone was just acting like everything wad the same... But They all knew it wasn't....


I woke up, or so I thought. I couldn't think. I was suspended from my mind, my body frozen. My entire body was engulfed in ice. I gently hit the floor, the eyelights in my eyes going back to their normal color.

Was I dead..? I didn't know..

All I knew.. Was that I wasn't myself. Its like I wanted this...

I never did.....

I curled my hands into fists as the ice cracked, more and more I was slowly breaking free..

My body glowed black, my eyes were red, my body felt dark, weightless, empty.

Then... BAM!! I broke free from the ice as a shockwave threw everything into the sky like a guyser going off.

I was free..

My body hovering above my prison...

A black aura radiating off me. My power was coming back to me.

I chuckled.. Then laughed insanely.. My scarf flowing in the gentle breeze.

I wasn't acting like myself...

It was like I was holding back a dark power.. That finally awoke when I was weak and frail...

A dark power that was sworn to protect me from the day I was created....

closest friends never knew...

I never knew...

Hell. Never knew

Wild. Never knew...

Do you know...?

Who I really am?

"Glitches" Glitch/Error's Mb/sWhere stories live. Discover now