Incompletion (poem)

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Author's note

Hello there people. If you are reading this then i say hi to thou.
I wasn't sure about posting these so i hope you like them. Also sorry if you signed up for short stories and are currently questioning where the fuck they are...they are coming...slowly...

The light trickles through the window,
It's slanted frame faces the floor,
Glaring at it,
A cracked shadow splatters the imperfect, screw-dappled floor,
Fractured by the chair,
It's wood is slowly heated by the warm sun,
It glints as it settles on a book left wide open,
Sprawled across the floor,
Like a cat awaiting sleep,
A story that has begun,
Will now never be ended,
Paused on a word that lacks finality,
But she never had a choice.

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