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a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.

Tom is the ruler of the Milky Way galaxy. He also has wandless magic.

Harry is from Earth.

This is sci-fi meets fanfiction.

I always felt bad for Lavender in the books so she's great in here.

Soulmates meet each other on the submissive's 18th birthday, and when they touch for the first time it triggers a 'heat' (so this is smut haha)

In the beginning the POV switches without warning but it's not too confusing oops

Soulmate!AU, Pretty!Harry, Orphan!Harry, Orphan!Ron, Orphan!Hermione, Possessive!Tom (is that even an AU), King!Tom

Harry only sighed when he was pushed down the stairs for the sixth time that week. Honestly, it was getting quite old.

His bruises were sore and from the new aches he knew that that session had made quite a few new ones to add to the collection. He might even have another scar.

He looked up to the top of the staircase to see no one there anymore. Sighing, he dusted off his pants and tried to fix his top before climbing the stairs again, this time making it to the top without being pushed down. Quietly, he walked to his room and closed the door behind him, plopping down on the bed.

"Rough day?" His roommate, Ron, asked. Harry looked over to his friend— Ron was looking through a Quidditch magazine.

"You could say that," grunted Harry, rolling his shoulder. "Man, I swear everyday those stairs get harder and harder."

This made Ron put down his magazine and stare at Harry critically. "Mate, you need to tell Ms. French. They're only going to get worse and worse."

"Yeah, well, it's already June, which means I turn 18 soon and I can leave this dump." He sighed dejectedly. "I don't know why you haven't left yet, you turned 18 back in March."

Ron got up and started looking through the drawers in their nightstand. "I need to look after your stupid arse, and I don't have enough money to support three people," he answered. "Now, sit up so I can at least make sure they didn't break anything."

Harry winced as he sat up, eyeing the first aid kit Ron fished from the drawer. "It's not like it's the first time this has happened," he whined.

The redhead only sighed and helped Harry take off his shirt, staring at the body in what he hoped was discretion. Although Ron was loyal to his soulmate, he couldn't deny that Harry was a looker and was, on more than one occasion, close to asking Hermione to have a threesome with him.

His breathing was normal and there seemed to only be a few new bruises, although Harry was sure there would be new once popping up sooner or later. Once satisfied with the cream on the scars, Ron gave Harry back his shirt.

"You need to learn how to stay quiet and keep your head low."

Harry snorted. "Ron, you know me better than that. I could never. Besides, all I did this time was cough. And it's not like you practice what you preach either."

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