Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 51!

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Episode: Season 2 Episode 16

Part: 2


(M/n) = Male Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



~Outside the house, night~

Sam and Dean were digging a grave for Mrs. Greeley.

"So...So, if you manage to put Greeley to rest, too....What happens to them?"

"Lady, that answer is way beyond our pay grade." Dean snapped.

"You hunt things, but you don't know what happens to them?" Molly asked.

"Well, they never come back. That's all that matters."

"After they let go of whatever's keeping them here, they....they just go. I hope someplace better, but we don't know. No one does." Sam said, looking at the demon. Who gave him a look of 'what you looking at?'. Sam wasn't sure how much the demon knew about the afterlife.

"What happens when you burn their bones?"

"Umm...Well, my dad used to say that was like death for ghosts, you know? Bt...The truth is, we still don't know. Not for sure." He looked at Dean this time. "Guess that's why we all hold onto life so hard. Even the dead. We're all just scared of the unknown."

"The only thing I'm scared of is losing David. I have to see him again." She paused for a long time. "I have to."


Molly was pacing, looking through the photo album in one room. Sam, Dean, and (M/n) were in another, nearby.

"I think we should tell her about her husband." Sam sighed.

"We can't."

"It's cruel, letting her pine for him like this. I  don't like keeping her in the dark."

"It's for her own good." Dean got up. "Man, I know you feel guilty, all right? But let's just stick to the plan. Let's get her out of here. Then we'll tell her."

"Tell me what? What aren't you telling me? It's about David. You know what happened to him." Molly said, walking up to them.


"Sam, don't"

"Don't what? Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband."

"That's not true."

"Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please." Sam swallowed, wanting to say something, but they heard a radio turn on, static, then the song 'House of the Rising Sun' began to play. "He's coming."

"Stay with her." Dean told Sam and (M/n) before cautiously walking towards the sound. He uncovered the dusty radio that was had powered itself on. He crouches down and finds a broken, frayed power cord. He hears another noise and goes towards the front door. 'SHE'S MINE' appears in frost on the window.

In the other room, Molly was standing by the window. Sam stepped cautiously forward towards the next room. (M/n) was standing by Molly. Suddenly a figure crashes through the window behind Molly and grabs her. She screamed as she was dragged outside. (M/n) tried to get her, but was flung across the room. Dean comes running in.

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