Chapter 1

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"Mom! Dad!" Thirteen-year-old Maeve screamed as a vampire slaughtered her parents barbarically right before her very eyes. Blood was splattered on the floors and walls, painting the room an evil shade of crimson. The brunette's bright blue eyes widened in horror at the gruesome sight of her butchered parents, and the metallic smell of blood emanating around the room made her nose wrinkle in disgust. Tears fell like two twin waterfalls down the girl's porcelain cheeks as she stared at the culprit of her parents' deaths.

The lanky, red-eyed monster turned to face Maeve, prompting her to shuffle backwards until her back hit the wall. Her body shook in sheer terror the monster nearing her, but as he grew closer Maeve's fight or flight response kicked in. She would not allow this monster to take her down too! Heightened senses due to the adrenaline coursing through her veins allowing her to be more alert. She had to find a way out! I have to find a way to escape! If I don't I'll die! The look in her eyes would be easily compared to that of a wounded animal, ready to lash out at anyone who came too close. That's when she spotted it: her father's gun. He had dropped while protecting her mother.. but perhaps it could save her life.

Maeve ducked onto the ground, the vampire making a move to reach out for her, and in that slim window of opportunity, she grabbed her father's gun. Though, in her fear, everything her father had taught her about gun safety and how to use it went out the window.

"You think your little toy will hurt me, brat?" the creature taunted, reaching for her again. Maeve, while shaking like a leaf, tried desperately to remember what her father had taught her. What was it about remaining calm? I have to remember what Dad taught me! She spared a glance down at her clammy hands, trembling wildly from sheer terror. Stop shaking dammit! Do you want the deaths of your parents to be in vain? More tears cascaded down her cheeks while thinking of her mother and father. I can do I this! I have to do this!

The evil man crept even closer, a smug grin painting itself on his expression. Her parents' blood dripping down his chin; almost as if to serve as a grim reminder of what he had done. He's underestimating me! I have the advantage! This bastard is too cocky for his own good! All I have to do is pull the trigger! The vampiric man was only a foot or two from Maeve when he stretched his hand out for her once again.

Suddenly, a deafening shot rang out. Maeve had pulled the trigger. The rifle kicked with enough power to completely blow off one side of the monster's head, causing the malicious man's unholy blood to mix with her parents' own on the walls of the estate. Her trembling form collapsed to the floor, the final bout of adrenaline wearing off, leaving her to sob uncontrollably.

Why? Why did you have to leave me? Mom, Dad, I'm so sorry!

A cruel hand suddenly grabbed Maeve from behind, but she was too fatigued from the ordeal she had just experienced to put up much of a fight. She had done all she could.

"You're a strong mortal," the man was close enough to the young teenager his warm breath heated Maeve's neck, causing the chestnut-haired girl to cringe slightly. "I think I'll spare your life. In turn, you'll become one of us!"

One of them? Oh, God, no! I don't want to... Yet her thoughts were put to an abrupt stop, the elder vampire having placed some sort of spell on the frightened, grieving Maeve to make her fall unconscious. Completely unbeknownst to Maeve, in the time she was passed out the nameless vampire who was responsible for the murder of her family was taking her to his home. Why? So that he could turn her into whatever sort of hellish being he was.

When Maeve awoke, she was in an unfamiliar room, on a lavish comfortable bed.

Where am I? Drowsy and disconcerted, the girl's inquisitive pools of cerulean darted around the room one more time in a vain attempt to figure out where she was. It was a surprisingly dim room–she could hardly see the details in the fine carpet below and the brick patterning on the wall. What little lamps in the room had a dark red shade over them, painting the room in an ominous shade of crimson.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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