(Ch.6) The Nurse

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That's what you thought of all this.
It's all stupid.

Why would Aizawa lie to everyone about expulsion? It's an incredibly high price for failing a silly test. But he had everyone try their hardest, which was what he wanted.

Even you.

Biting your lip, you looked down. Sure, you came in first on the test, but in reality you felt like last. Aizawa had you use your quirk, a little more than you were comfortable with. So how were you supposed to be happy?

Tiny tears tugged at the edges of your eyes. Dammit!

"Nice Job, (L/n)." A familiar hand rested on your right shoulder. It was Shoto.

"Ha, Thanks," you rubbed your eyes discreetly with your sleeve, "you did a fine job too, Todoroki."

"What's wrong?"

He noticed!

"You're hurting my shoulder, Todoroki."

The hand was gone a second after your words. He was only trying to be friendly...now you felt bad. You turned to properly face him. He looked sorry.


You waved your left unwounded hand loosely in the air. "Don't worry about it."

The shoulder throbbed painfully from Shoto touching it. It also didn't help that the shoulder that had been burned by that woman was also the one which cracked during the throw. Great...

"Midoriya, (L/n)," both of you snapped to attention, "go to Recovery Girl and get yourselves fixed up. I expect better from both of you from now on." Aizawa handed us a slip of paper as a nurse's pass. Aizawa walked off, telling the whole class to grab something from class and read it later.

Before anyone could congratulate you anymore, you walked off to the Recovery Girl's office. You ignored a couple of comments from your classmates about you being aloof. Whatever.

"Hey, wait up!"

Raising a brow, you saw the Izuku rush over to you. He had hurt his finger during the baseball distance throw. It didn't look too bad, but it must've hurt. Unfortunately, you couldn't or rather, you won't, use your quirk anymore after the test. Not even for the pain making your arm tremble uncontrollably.

Izuku caught up, and started to walk alongside you. "Congratulations on getting first! You're quirk is really cool."

You didn't know how to respond. If you remember correctly, didn't he get dead last? He should've been the one going home here. Yet, instead he was walking with you to the nurse's office. Smiling softly, you were glad he was still here. He seems like a nice boy, plain sure, but nice.

"Thanks." You looked away from him, "But I'm not all that happy with my quirk..."

Silence engulfed the two of you as you walked through the halls. The nurse's office was coming up.

"Why's that?"

You stared at Izuku with wide eyes.

"Uh, I guess, because it's... never mind." The two of you had arrived at Recovery Girl's office. Saving you from explaining yourself. You didn't even know where to start with it.

"Whoa, you really got yourselves hurt!" Recovery Girl ushered us in. Sitting down in separate chairs, she acted like the grandma you never had. She questioned both of us how we got hurt. We both answered simply. No one gave a second glance at the oddness of your quirks behaving in such a way.

When Recover Girl came to you, she started with kissing your right wrist, making your eyes become droopy. Her quirk took the stamina out of you; that's for sure. After she did your elbow, she made her way to your shoulder.

"Can you take off your shirt?"

It didn't bother you so you slipped off the top briskly. You only had your bra on, but it's Recovery Girl, she's a lady too.


Izuku covered his eyes, looking away. He was waiting to be worked on since his injury was minor compared to yours. You forgot he was in the room, and turned away from him with a bright red face. Oh my god...You just stripped in front of Izuku!

The two of you faced away from eachother to stop any more embaressment.

"Dear me, what happened to your shoulder...?" Recovery Girl lightly touched the scorch scar there. You winced, flinching away from her touch. "Please, don't touch it. I had an accident a week before school. It's only the muscles in my shoulder which were hurt during the testing."

Recovery Girl frowned, sighing slightly. "Alright then, I'll heal as much of it as I can. It's already scarring though. "

Recovery Girl fixed up the muscles in your shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Now, they felt brand new. But your movements had become sluggish from her using her quirk so much. It's neat how her quirk makes our bodies heal faster though.

She went to working on Izuku next. You didn't find much a reason to stay, other than to watch how she heals more. If you watch enough, you might be able to mimic it with your quirk. At the door, you were stopped by Recovery Girl's voice.

"One second, (L/n). I'm not done with you."

All the blood in your body froze. You had a small idea of what she wanted to ask you...

Once Izuku was done and gone, the interrogation began.

"(L/n), I'm sure you already know the abilities of your mother." You bit the inside of your cheek. "Yes, I do."

"Why can't you heal yourself?"

The room's air became tense. You didn't know how to respond. It's not like you can tell her, oh you're supposed to be quirkless, and that's why your mother never gave you a second glance? Much less, train you on how her quirk works at all.

So far, you've been only using the quirk with your knowledge of the human body. With the quirk, you had a strange awareness of every part of your body. Every drop of blood, every breath, and every blink: You were aware of it all. And you could control them with perfection. Atleast, most of them.

You just didn't know everything. How do you heal yourself without, bleeding out more? How do you make more muscles in your body?

It's all things you gain with experience by using the quirk over an over again.

It's just...You didn't have any experience.

Only the knowledge.

Like your mother had said, you're behind, and it sucks.

"I can't heal myself"

"...because I've never had to before."

You lied to her, and already you could feel the corkscrew of guilt lodging itself into your stomach. You can figure this all out yourself. You didn't need help. You'll get this quirk to work.

All by yourself.

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