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Bear with this weird chapter~~~~ amd long too. So beware.

Growing up was never easy for Naru. He was born because of his grandparents' will that stated that his parents need to have at least one child in order to get their money and a piece of their wealth. Because of this his parents hate him to their guts.

He was abandoned by them at a really young age. And they started to abuse him at the age of 7 years old. Leaving him with nasty scars. But he never gave up. Naru knew that soon when he got out of that hell hole he will be free. So he wait. Wait for 11 years to be free and have a better life. His grandparents died in an accidents when he was 18 which became a reason for his parents to finally throw him out to the street. But only after they have what they ever wanted, money.

The moment he step out of that house he thought he was finally happy but fate got different path for him. Only 5 years without Naru, his parents decided to use their son for another thing. Even with the money that they got their greed got the best of them. They gambled everything they had amd left them with a lot of unpaid loads and debt. And they vanished into thin air leaving the debt to their only son.

Naru was devasted. He was left with 90 thousand dollar of debt that he never knew anything about it. Even with his current 3 part time jobs he wont be able to pay for that. Not even with his saving combined. He had to take a drastic measure and decided to sold his virginity.

That is how he met Rawon Ashton. Their sex was painful. The most painful things Naru ever felt. It was the only way to get money. Even if its only for 100 thousand dollars. He was never expected to gave his v card to someone who is not his husband. Yes husband. He knew he was gay when he was in high school.

With the money he got he managed to pay for everything his parents owed. But he forgot that sex can lead to baby and that is exactly what happened to him. He became pregnant. He tried to denied it because he dont have money to abort the baby only to gave birth to it alone. But the baby change him. He fall in love with the baby that he carrried for 9 months. He decided to keep the baby and he also named to baby Haru.

Everything that he been through, all those hellish things that he taste in this life was paid with a beautiful baby. He thought after the baby his life will finally get better for good. But no,  after 4 years Rawon came back for their son. For the product of their sinful night.

Will this finally be a happy ending for him?

"Daddyyyy!" Haru cried as he ran to his father's bed. He sobbed even harder when he saw his father's pale face.

"Baby..." Naru smiled as big as he can as he tried to pull his son onto the bed. Seeing his difficulties, Rawon helped the poor boy onto the bed. He ruffles his son's hair and smiled as the father and son were cuddling and hugging and crying together. He can see how much they miss each other.

"Im going out. Do you need anything?" He asked both of them but Naru only shooked his head no as he only want his son. Rawon kissed Haru's forehead before going out.

Naru listened extra carefully at what Haru told him. He missed his son too much that every words the boy said was like a music to his ear. He cant contained his smiled as he patted the boy's back as they cuddles. He was so happy.

Until he heard loud voices outside of the room. The door was slamed opened by a man that he knew by heart. The man came in along with a women that looks similar to him.

"Oh, look you have a son now." The man said with a smirk on his face. He could felt his son shaking in fear in his arms.

"What-what you want?" He tighten his grip ooon the boy. Guarding him from danger.

"What I want? Him!" The man pointed at the boy and Naru knew thing are going to gets ugly.

"Please.... please dont take him! Please!" He tighten his hold and shield his son from the pair who he used to called parents.

"Get him!" The man   ordered the woman and both of them tried to pull him away from him.

"No!" At that time he swear he saw a knife in his fathers hand. He felt a sudden pain on his side. And when he looked at it, blood was oozing out from it. His world suddenly stopped for a moment and he started to lose all of his energy.

His grip became loosen amd they took his baby away from him.

"Baby.... baby...." he called his son even in that pain. Tears was flowing down his cheeks.

"-ru! Naru! Naru, wake up! Naru!" Naru opened his eyes only to see Rawon standing next to him with his son. Haru was crying in Rawon's arm. He looked at his side and saw no blood at all.

"Baby? Rawon? When? What happen?"

"You have nightmare. Are you okay?" Rawon put Haru into Naru's arm and sat at the chair next to him.

"Im okay." He smiled weakly.

"Do you need anything? I can get it for you." Rawon was about to stand up when Naru grabbed his hand.

"Nope. Just stay with us."



A long chapter aye? Anyway I am gonna be busy next week but I will try to update as often as I can. Amd thanks for the 100+ views. Thank youuu~~~

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Till next time bye~~~

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