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Rawon hold Haru's small hand in his bigger hand. His other hand was holding the bag that contain the food that they made this morning. Haru carefully walked on the wet ground as Rawon told him to.

People surround them cant help but to look at them. As everyone said they looks like those celebrity that they seen in the magazine. Especially with Rawon's looks and also how cute Haru was.

"Papa! Can we have ice cweam later?" Yet again that was the only thing Haru want to ask for that morning.

"Lets see what your daddy say. If he say yes then you can have ice cream." Haru pouted as he listen to what Rawon told him. His daddy will say no he knew it.

"But-but...." Haru pouted his lips as he quietly stared at the ground as they walked. His daddy wont let him eat ice cream or any sugary treats.

"Papa meanie."

Rawon just shooked his head. What can he said he cant simply gave in to his son. His mother said he should not gave in to his child or they will become spoil brat.

"Daddy!!!" Haru ran into his daddy's room and quickly climbed the bed. Naru smiled as he help his baby up.

"Hi baby. Daddy miss you so much." He cried as he hugged and kissed the boy's forehead a few times. He missed his baby.

"Youre back. Never leave daddy again okay." Naru whispered to Haru's ear as he cried silently. He have never parted away from his little baby for that long and to him the pain of this separation killed him.

"Em! I will never leave you! I miss you so much! This much!" Haru opened his arm as big as he can to show his daddy his love. Naru laughed.

"I know baby. I love you too."

I know its been a veryyy long time since my last update butttt I got into university and rarely have the time to update this story. =3=

I wish I never grow up.

Anyway thanks for the vote and comments.

Also thanks for the view!!!

Till next time!

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