Meeting Him (Bryce)

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Bryce Moon, hmmmmmm how to describe him, literally a tall, fat, dirty pig who thinks he can get whoever he wants because he has beer and a nice big pickup truck. That's all you need to really know, and that him and Darren have been friends for like 4 years so they are close, Like Sam and Marla except Sam and Marla have like 10 more years on them, anyways. I haven't introduced Sandy yet. Lets talk about this bitch, she is a good friend of Marla and Sam's they have only known her for like 6 years though. Sandy is 4 months younger than Sam. She's like Sam's little sister, really, she takes all of Sam's advice and she's a really good kid. The reason why she's important here is because she was involved with Bryce before Sam got all caught up in his dirty little game of lies.

(The girls are all hanging out at Marla's house until Sandy arrives) Monday morning:

Sandy: Hey guys
Girls: Hey Sandy
Sandy: How are you too? I've missed you so much.
Marla: We're good. And you? How are you? A little birds told me you've been talking to a boy.

Now when one of us girls are in a relationship or find a boy to get involved with its a really really big deal. Okay. Let's continue.

Sandy: Yea he is really nice, he compliments me all the time, especially my ass which is weird because I hate my ass.
Girls: You have a great ass shut up!
Sandy: Anyways, so he's tall, he is into big trucks which I love.
Sam: You know that means he probably has a small dick right?
Marla: And aren't you like a size queen?
Sandy: No, I've seen his dick, it's like 10 inches!
Girls: Your lying!
Sandy: I'll show you.

(The girls are giggling and laughing while they wait for the infamous dick pic from mystery man.)

Sam: That's a fake pic.
Marla: Definitely
Sandy: Really? Damn. He told me that was his.
Girls: what does he look like?
Sandy: Hold on.

(Shows them a picture of a tall fat guy with a beer in his hand wearing camouflage and standing in front of a pickup truck.)

Girls: Ugh....
Sandy: What?
Girls: That's what your into?
Sandy: Yea why? What's wrong with him?
Girls: Nothing.

(Darren Marla's boyfriend buts in to the convo)

Darren: Hey that's my best bud, Bryce Moon.
Sandy: Bryce Moon... Cute name for a guy.
Darren: Whatever. I should invite him over, he can sleep in the living room, he always brings lots of beer and pot. We could have a really fun time. Sandy? Have you met him in person yet?
Sandy: No.
Darren: Perfect. I call him up right now.

(Darren calls him and invites him over for the weekend)

(The girls go and get ready to meet the " New Guy ")

(Back at Darren's)

Bryce: Hey Dude!
Darren: Hey! Buddy what's up?
Bryce: Not much. Heard that the cutie I've been texting is here... where is she?
Darren: Oh they left with Marla to get ready... I told them we were having a party and they should dress up... I'm getting it in tonight hahaha.
Bryce: They?
Darren: Oh yea so it's Marla, Sandy who you've been messaging and Sam.
Bryce: Sam? Is she hot?
Darren: I mean I have a girlfriend but yeah she's pretty cute. But you———————— ( Bryce cuts him off )
Bryce: Can't wait 2 different chicks I can choose from haha. Thanks for looking out dude.
Darren: Sure dude.

(The Girls come back and they are all in tight dresses showing off their figures)
Marla: Hey Babe
Darren: Hey, let me introduce———-
Bryce: Bryce Moon. How are you?
Darren: That's my chick.
Bryce: My bad.
Sandy: Hey Bryce. I'm Sandy we've been texting.
Bryce: Sandy. Damn girl!! Look at you, do a little twirl. (Sandy twirls) Oh. I will have a lot of fun with you. And you must be Sam (Pointing at Sam)
Sam: Yeah. Hey.
Bryce: Hi, You look pretty good too, gimme a twirl sexy...
Sam: Um no. You have a thing with my friend. I'm not like that. Sorry.
Bryce: Harsh. Whatever your probably prude anyways.
Sam: Whatever wasn't into you anyways.

(So as you might've figured already they started smoking and drinking having a good time.)

(The boys leave to go and get stuff from Bryce's truck, they are gone for like an hour don't ask why.)

Sandy: So what do you think?
Sam: Well he hit on me. I didn't like that too much
Marla: Me either.
Sandy: He was just joking. He is really into me, he wants to have " fun ".
Girls: Yeah " Fun " aka. SEX. Don't do it.
Sandy: Why not? You guys act like my mom, you guys have sex all the time why cant I?
Sam: Hey, we are helping you... he's gross. Just don't do it.
Marla: Please don't we already had an issue with Darren's friends hitting on my friends.
Sandy: Okay. I'm entitled to do what I want.
Girls: True. Fine. Do what you want.
Sandy: I will.

(The boys come back and it's starting to get late and everyone is heading to bed.)

Bryce: Hey Sandy come lay in the living room with me.
Sandy: Okay.

(Sandy and Bryce end up just kissing and she gave him a hand job and he fingered her. No sex.)

Next Morning:

Sandy: OMG. I had a great time last night. Thanks.
Bryce: Me too. We should do it again sometime.
Sandy: Maybe. If you stop hitting on my friends and just be mine.
Bryce: No one ties me down... I'm a free man baby. I need to have as many women as I want. Sorry.
Sandy: No worries. It's cool. Hope you have a good day. I'll text you later.
Bryce: Okay sexy.

(Bryce slaps her ass and kisses her.)

(The girls all go to Sam's house to do " girl talk ")

(Sam is making everyone coffee)

Sam: So how was everyone's night?
Marla: Good, me and Darren totally smashed.
Sandy: Well me and Bryce almost smashed... But I didn't want to so he fingered me and I gave him a handy.
Sam: Shit. I hate being the single lonely one.
Sandy and Marla: You will get someone soon, we promise. Don't worry.
Sam: I hope so. I hate not being able to sleep over my boyfriend's house or sleep with someone.
Marla: Maybe, that guy you went on a date with a few months ago... what's going on with him?
Sam: Nothing he's long gone.
Sandy: I'm sorry Sam you'll get someone to hold soon enough.
Marla: So. Are you gonna see Bryce again?
Sandy: I don't think so. He is gross. He's a man whore. He wants more than one girl at the same time so no.

(The girls laugh and continue to talk for hours and think about their futures.)
(Sandy and Bryce never hookup or talk ever again after that weekend.)

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