•|Having a BadBoy (12)|•

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Adam Garcia

When Paola told us about Mario watching Maria I couldn't help with my anger.

Ok you guys might be asking but me and Jose , Paola , and the twins are in a famous gang which our boss is the biggest leader and he's known for his drugs.

While driving to the boss office I couldn't help but think of the thoughts of (what if)

'What if he gets her'

'What if he kills her' that one sent chills straight down my spine , I can't loose her, she is everything to me

"Adam are you okay?." I saw jake snapping his fingers in my face, quickly blinking and look at him.

"Huh..oh yeah just thinking." I said while giving him a half smile , he gave me a nod and gave me a last glance

I didn't even realize we were right outside the building I opened the door and got of the car

"Ready guys?." Paola said we all nodded , we we're now standing behind the bosses office we could smell the weed already , john knocked on the door

"Come in." the boss shouted , jake then opened the door there he was the boss sitting, counting the money from the last package from Texas he wore a black suit , he looked up and smirked

"What is it?." he snapped

"We have a BIG problem sir." Paola said he looked up and gave us a blank face, while placing the money down

"What is the BIG problem?." he said while relaxing in his chair

"Mario knows who Maria is, he was hawking at her when she was in the graveyard." she said while looking at the boss his hole face changed and his eyes darkened

"What the fuck ! How ? Why was she in the damn grave yard !?." he shouted while slamming his hand on his desk, making everyone except me jump.

"Because she thinks your dead." I snapped his face softened and started to drop

"I did it to keep her safe and you know that." he said while looking at his hands and sitting back down in his chair while sighing and rubbing his face

We'll you heard it people, Maria's father is alive

He's our boss he faked it the whole time to keep her alive and safe.

Everyone knows he's alive even Maria's mom she was part of the plan to fake his death the only one who don't know he's alive is Maria.

And we'll Maria's mom gets money from him twice a month like 12,568 dollars.

Maria's mom doesn't work at all she lies to Maria that she's working at the hospital.

While Maria thinks she at work really she's with the boss , I found out it was the boss daughter when I first saw her.

It was Maria's first day of high school once I found out who she truly was.

••••••••Flash Back•••••••••

Boss- Adam you and the boys need to come to the office now!.

"Guys we have to go to the bosses office like now."i stated they all nodded I looked at the new girl for the last time and we barged out the lunch room we all headed to the car

Having A BadBoyWhere stories live. Discover now