27th chapter..

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Maria pov💋

2 weeks later

My body is started to recover but not my ribs they are taking it's time to heal and recover. I'm keeping my eye out lately because I won't let Mario hurt me it's my te to hurt him....

^^^^^^^^1 month later^^^^^^

I'm here training for the first time again and the twins are here to help me out

"Left kick" bobby shouted I kicked with my left hard

"Right kick" I kicked hard

"Harder Harder" he shouted and then energy got in my and put my anger out in these kicks..

"There's my girl harder act like if that's Mario face" he shouted then all what I saw was red.

in the punching bag I kicked so hard you can hear the echoes In the gym then in my last kick I jumped and pulled my right leg up and hit it so hard one of the chains on the punching bag fell.

I look up to see bobby face was priceless then I heard clapping I look back and see Adam...

"That was good babe" he said while walking up to me and giving me a quick peck on the lips

"I still need to practice" I said while looking up at him

"Ok will remember I tolled you I'm going to Mexico??" he said I nodded

"We'll my plane leaves in 4 hours" he said

"Your leaving today!" he nodded

"Ugh" then he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug

Then he grabbed my chin and kissed my lips

"I'm gonna miss you" I said while giving him a weak smile

"Me to but I be back in a couple of days"

"I have to go and I love you so much" he said while kissing me

"I love you too" I said while smiling into the kiss

"Ok I have to go now" I nodded then he gave me a last hug and grabbed his bag and left.





It has been 4 days since Adam left and we keep texting back and forth.

Today for me was a lazy day I went to my dresser and picked out sweat pants and crop top that's loose and headed down stairs with my new hair color that's is a dark brown which I dyed back to my brown and saw my mom in the kitchen baking.

"Hey mom" I said with a smile while sitting on the counter she looked at me and smiled

"Hey sweetie love your new hair color" she said

"Thanks so where's dad" I said her face turned pale?.

"Mom what happen" I got off the counter and walked towards my mom

"Honey I have to tell you something I don't know how your gonna take it?" she said

"We'll tell me" I said in a worry tone

"I'm pregnant" she shouted

My eyes widen she's pregnant , I always wanted a brother or sister

"I'm sorry honey" she said

"Why are you sorry I'm happy" I yelled she gave me a hug and then we talked about boys name or girl names.

I'm here in the airport waiting for Adam to come back he has been gone for a week!.

I'm standing near the gate then my brown eyes met his green eyes

"Adam" I shouted then I spirited and jumped on him

"See that you missed me a lot" he said chuckling

"I did" I murmured in his neck

Then I pulled away and gave him a quick kiss on the lips

Then we grabbed his luggage and then went to my car and drove back home

"Where's your dad" I pointed upstairs

"Ok" then I walked with him

"Where are you going" he said while furrowing his eyebrows

"With you"

"I wanna talk in private" then I simply nodded

Then when I heard the door shut I tip toed to the door and put my ear so I can listen.

"So what happen?" father said

"We'll I found out he's 2 hours away"Adam said

"We have to make the plan to attack he can't just run away from hurting my daughter" then I knew they were talking about me

I then tip toed back down and plastered my body in the couch then I heard Adam footsteps

"Is everything ok" I said with a grin

"Pitchy" he said in a smile

"Ok" then I laid my head down on his chest

"If only Mario knows whats coming to him" I smirked


A/N- hey guys hoped you like it


And sorry that's is a short chapter😁😁

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