My first job...

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I woke up, in a different place to where I fell asleep, I was in drakes arms and he held my stomach tight as if he was making sure my ribs where in the correct place, I turned to see Nate and Jonah cuddled up, aww wait Nate? I giggled quietly and readjusted myself and nudged them with my foot, they both woke up and I pretended to be asleep, and tried to hold my laugh in, Nate whispered first


"No I'm sorry I didn't mean to uhh you know"

"It's fine Jonah"

"I'm really so-"

"Jonah it's fine, I don't mind"

"You-wha-huh?" Nate sighed

"Jonah I'm gay" he gasped, omg that's so cute, wow I would never of expected that

"Your what?" I giggled then opened my eyes wide then I noticed, they both turned to look at me with shock, Nate blushed

"Aww you guys are so cute" I whispered, this time Jonah blushed, Nate glared

"Don't you dare tell anyone" I gasped

"I wouldn't tell anyone if you didn't want me to!" Jonah patted my head

"Of course you won't that's why your awesome twin" I smile

"Urm guys, I would make breakfast but I'm trapped" they both looked at drakes arms, they burst out laughing causing everyone to wake up, drake loosened his arms round me and I stood, "now everyone's awake, I'll make breakfast' I stood and went to the kitchen making pancakes and put random stuff on the table like peanut butter, chocolate spread, honey, maple syrup, butter, for them to choose what they wanted and I placed plates on the table full of two pancakes each, everyone took one and mumbled a thanks to me and ate them all while Bellamy walked in,

"I smell pancakes" I chuckled

"I made some for you on the side"

"Thank you ell,"

"No problem BeBe" he sat next to jake and another gang mate I think his name was bobby, I was sat in between Drake and Jonah, Lexi was leaning on the table watching me, I smiled I at half of a pancake and gave her the last one and the other half, then Bellamy spoke

"Ella! Stop feeding Lexi your food!" I shuffled nervously

"But she wanted it and I didn't"

"Yeah well you don't eat enough as it is"

"Yes I do!"

"Tell me what did you have two days ago"

"Urm... A breakfast bar and an apple and ..."

"Exactly you can't live on that, and what I noticed when your grandma was here and made you food you only ate a bit then gave the rest to Lexi" I pouted

"But BeBe-"

"No Ella, your coming out with me and sandy tonight and your going to eat all your food" I sighed

"Fine but remember I have work, I need to tell rosey I have to stop working, I mean I need to look after Lexi more and you know I'm forced into another job I don't think I can handle both jobs" he nodded

"8?" I nodded.

After school, I told rosey I can't work here unless she really needed help and she was okay with that she also said to one visit her whenever I had the chance, I went home and changed into some black jeans and a white top and a black cardigan and white converse, ready for the meal with Bellamy and Sandy.

I had to meet them at the restaurant and they where already there, I sat and smiled at them both

"Hey guys" sandy spoke

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