Chapter 1

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The morning sun was beckoning, breaking through the puffs of clouds in uneven, rebellious streaks. You took a long swig of water from your leather bottle and threw the strap over your shoulder before trudging ahead once more. Enough time had been wasted staring into the bright sky, appreciating the light blue setting in from the east. What a lovely day it was indeed. It was hard to believe your father agreed to your sudden expedition. Eventhough he insisted to order a fleet of guards to escort you around the city, it took only a soft glance and one retort to change his mind.

After the small talk, your next immediate action was a change of clothes- something more suitable for the everyday woman in the city. Don't be mislead however, this wasn't the first time you had left the castle and wandered with people of all nature. It was merely a courtesy to ask. Having permission sure made things a whole lot easier!

The fabric was thin but scratchy, like straw perhaps. No respecting woman would try venturing out in a court lady's outfit! The point was to not be noticed and approached by chivalrous men waiting upon a damsel in distress. Instead, the red, straw-like fabric sat nicely against your figure; a long red dress, that fell below your knees and had black fabric lining the sleeves and neckline.

You had tied some black material around your waist to make yourself look a little more presentable and not completely like a peasant incase a nasty fellow decided to order you about or spit some nonsensical abuse your way. It was true. You knew your country was no fairy land with great justice and equality.

Then, underneath the makeshift dress, were some plain black pants, with red fabric lining down the sides. You had tucked in the anklets into your white socklets and wore the authentic hwa boots. The look portrayed a traveller of sort- and not a completely poor one but a moderate one.

The streets bustled with market mongers. Taffy to the left, clothes to the right. A shoe stall came into view, so many varying colours luring you closer, however you held back and strode on. Shoes were not on your list today.

Today, you were looking for water bending scrolls.

Where in the world does one find such a rare item? Well, in the town market of course where you can source anything and everything if you know where to look- and boy did you know where to look.

"Excuse me?"

A little voice interrupted your voyage and little, grubby hands tugged at your sleeve.

"Can you help me, ma'am?"

You peered down to find a child by your side, glossy eyes and flared nostrils.

"What is it, child?" You mimicked a commoners accent and soon thought maybe referring to the child as child wasn't so common. You frowned. One could change gowns but one could not change years of language lessons.

The boy didn't seem to notice.

"Y'see ma'am, a kind sir gave me brother a coin for putting his horse in the stable so 'e bought me one o'those sweets from the taffy stall but the soldier grabbed him for theft!"

Your frown deepened on your softened face and you shrugged, "and why do you tell me this?" Getting involved with the military when trying to be perceived as an everyday citizen seemed a little counterproductive on your part.

"I can tell you're not from 'round 'ere! Please, help me and I'll work for ye? Please ma'am, then ye can be on your way!"

"I cannot help you." The boy clutched your sleeves with more strength and his glossy eyes soon became damp with tears.

"They'll kill him! We did nothing wrong, I promise, 'e just wanted to give me somethin' even when I told him I don't want it!"

You weighted the pros and cons in your head. Who said you had to approach the soldiers anyway. You could always... break the boy out.

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