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A princess born to the King and Queen of the Fire Realm. Glorious for all; all except the Queen herself. From the moment she was told a daughter would be born to her, your mother had lost interest, no love nested in her heart. She had always wanted a son. Sons ruled strong kingdom's and lead militia for the world to fear. Not pathetic Princesses who would have to marry for power.

Therefore she discarded the child immediately to the midwifery, ignoring it's existence completely. Nonetheless, the King adored the baby in his arms that night and had promised he would raise a woman of reckoning. No nation would uproot the future Queen.


The King held a meeting with the monks of Cave Azula as he did every fortnight. You sat at the cave's edge with a meditating Guru. He didn't pay much attention to you nor did you pay attention to him. The rattle in your hand was far more engaging.

Each gathering of Azula, the monk's would relay their visions. The first monk spoke of the abundant crop of this year and merciful rains that would soon shower every corner of the country. The second monk warned of Air Realm activity. Sails seen close to the Water Realm border. The third monk who came forward wore a more complex expression, gaining the King's attention more than the others.

"My King. Before you came, I had a vision that has troubled me most, therefore, I would propose to address the council with your blessing."

The King stroked his small plaited beard and nodded, "please, let us all hear what you have to say."

"My vision took place in the Raion Jungle. There were no animals but four. A prime bull, broad and sturdy, dark brown in furr. An eagle of pure white, it's wings at least a span of 14 feet. A dolphin with a crystal blue outer, fins and nose sharp. In the centre of all of them stood the mighty dragon, red scales and hazel eyes. They moved together in one formation. The last of my vision is when the dragon roars and emits a mighty blue flame."

Those seated at the round table mumbled and the King stirred in his seat. "What does this mean?"

"In my most reliable knowledge, I would say the bull is a symbol of Earth, the eagle of Air, the dolphin of Water and the dragon, Fire, Your Majesty."

"They illustrate the four Realms you mean?" The King was now intrigued for he had not heard such a strange vision before. "But blue fire is strange."

The monk could not decipher the rest and apologised when all of a sudden a child's cry echoed down the cave. A minute later, you were brought to the King, tears falling as you had scratched your knee after a small tumble on a rough rock.

"Was no one watching the child?" the King demanded as he stepped towards his daughter. You cried and clenched your small fists when a puff of smoke arose and blue sparks ignited from your knuckles. You stopped crying and stared at your hands with glossy eyes; your father and the monks stood still, speechless.

"I think I could shed light on the vision now, Your Highness," the monk from earlier stepped forward and held his hand out for you to grab- which you did and took a few waddling steps with his guidance.

"I think this was not a vision but an insight to the prophecy."

Many murmurs took over the cave and it seemed all attendees had an understanding.

"A man shall come forth who will unite all the nations. His signature will be that of the blue spirit for all to know who he is," and then he glanced down at you, playing with the rattle once more, "but I think the man is not a man, and is rather a woman. A princess in fact."

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