The niegbor chaprter 2

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We drove on for hours it seemed like, finally we had made it to our new house in Tennessee I looked out the window of the car to see what the neighborhood had looked like and if they had any kids, the only kid that I saw was a boy and he looked about my age, the rest of the neighborhood looked okay but the house right next to us looked really strange and it had one strip of police tape across the door of it and the house was totally black, like the type of haunted house you would only see in movies. "Well we're here guys!" my mom told us excitedly, me and Jeremy looked at each other and then looked at my mom your crazy! We both shouted to her and we jumped out of the car, "I get to choose my room first Jeremy!" I told him while grabbing one of my moving boxes out of the van and I took off running to the house, "go ahead! There's nothing good about that house anyway!" Jeremy yelled after me, I ran into the house and ran up the stairs, the stairs creaked  so much it had sounded like they could fall apart any minute, when I got upstairs I began looking at each of the rooms there were about only 5 bedrooms and we had only 4 people so I got to choose from three rooms, I looked at the three bedrooms one of them had a bad stench coming out of it, I held my fingers on my nose definitely Jeremy's room I thought myself, I looked at the other room and it had absolutely no windows, nope! To claustrophobic, I really hope this last room is perfect I took a look at the other room and it smelled clean and looked clean and it had one big window in it, this is perfect! I told myself again, I sat down the only moving box that I had brought with me upstairs and I looked out my window to see what I could see from it, you've got to be kidding me! I said out loud I get to see the window of the creepy house right in front of me, well it was like only 40 feet away from me but I could still see right into the house. Ugh this sucks! I shouted while flinging the little white curtains to cover the window that were already on the window, that's just great!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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