Ryuji x caty lem {requested}

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{this chapter was requested sorry if I spelled your name wrong !!😭❤️💥}

" Ryuji!!! Let's go to the market I have to buy some groceries." Caty says to her boyfriend for 2 years. " alright.." Ryuji says back. She smiled and said "okay! I gotta put on a dress really quick it's hot!" He nodded and went to the couch and waited. Caty came back with a white sun dress and said " ready!?" He nodded and stood up and grabbed Katy's hand. You both are still in high school but seniors. You parents lived in the USA and you wanted to try something new. Katy met Ryuji in second year with Akira and Anne and makoto, she even knows about their secret but she kepted a secret from everyone. Katy and Ryuji have been dating since the ending of 2nd year and now they are gonna be 3 years together. Both started walking to the market and katy picked out some fruit, vegetables, meat, all kinds of stuff so she can fill her kitchen. Ryuji was just staring at her butt. It was big and round. " come on Ryuji!" Katy says to her boyfriend. " y-yeah.. I coming."

*after shopping*
" Ryuji mind putting them away for me! I wanna shower!. After I shower we can watch some movies and cuddles" Katy says while smiling. " yeah. Sure I'm down for that." Ryuji started putting the stuff away. While you were getting getting stripped down you tuned the water hot and got in. Ryuji was done and he couldn't stop thinking about you. " should I..hmm.. fuck it!" He went in the bathroom to where she was and open in carefully. Caty was just wetting her hair and Ryuji stripped down. He opens the curtains and you stretch. " Ryuji!" You covered your front parts and turned away. Ryuji started at your ass " come on Katy we done this many times!" You nodded and said " yeah but never in the shower'!" He did have to agree. " how about we try it?" He says while smirking. You blushed and said " ok..." he wrapped his arms around your waist and have kissed around your neck. He bit down a few times. " ah~ Ryuji.!" He chuckled and said " sorry... but ur skin is soft." The water was running on your heads and he turned you around to face him and gave him a wet sloppy kiss. It was a very hot makeout season. He knee slipped under ur core and rubbing it making you more wet. You moaned in the kiss. " Ah~ahh.. don't tease me!" He chuckled and said " hm." He slipped one hand down to your core and started rubbing. U gasp and he smiled. Two can play that game. You hand went to his dick and you stoked it. " no role playing.!" He stopped and entered his dick in you " Ah~Ryuji!!" He kissed you to soothe the pain. " sorry!" " it's ok.. u can move" he nodded and moved in an slow paste. He kepted going till you told him to go faster. He listened and went in a fast paste. U were moaning mess now and he was grunting. A few mins has past and Ryuji was close to cumming and so were u. " Ryuji! I'm gonn.. ~ah!" You came and he came after. He cam on your stomach while the water washed it down. You were panting . " lemme shower!" You chuckled and said " love you!" You both got out and out on some comfy clothes and went to the living room to watch some movies.



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