Chapter One

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"Lena?" a soft murmured. "It is time to get up." The nurse quietly closed the door behind her. Of course she knew the girl wouldn't answer, but it was always reassuring to her. She was still a person, asleep or not. She reached towards the patient resting under the thin blanket.

The girl's skin was ice cold, so cold it made the nurse cringe slightly, but the girl didn't even flinch. She remained motionless. The nurse studied her face, almost like she thought she'd suddenly jump out of the bed even though she knew it couldn't be possible. No one ever just woke up.

There was a youngful sense to her soft features. Her large eyes remained closed beneath her thick eyelashes and her lips were a pale shade of pink, almost as pale as her ghostly colored skin. Golden waves of hair casdenced down her shoulders. Before she would have been considered pretty, but as she laid in the bed, you would have thought she was dead if you didn't check her pulse.

But there was something different about this girl though, besides appearing almost dead. As the nurse stared at the young girl's face, she found it hard to even imagine something bad happen to her. Seeing all these people in the hospital everyday made her heart want to shatter in her chest. Everyone, men, women, and children, no one seemed to be spared.

She knew they all have been through so much. She knew it what happened was bad, but seeing that Lena's face made her frown. She wanted to cry. Even though she didn't know what exactly happened to this young girl, she sympathized with her. She too knew what it was like to lose everything.

The nurse turned away from her patient. She couldn't bear it anymore. Her eyes shifted to meet the small machine attached the girl's arm. With one swift motion, she flipped on the screen and was greeted to a password lock. She quickly typed something in, something unreadable, and it unlocked.

When it did, the machine beeped, one slow long beep. Suddenly, a cerulean colored liquid began flowing from it, through the tube and straight towards her vein. A strange liquid, nonetheless, but the nurse seemed to be familiar with it. She didn't give it a strange look like she did when most people did they first time they saw it. She just watched the liquid enter the Lena's vein and reached out towards her.

"Lena?" she asked, squeezing her hand. "Can you hear me?" At first, the girl didn't react. Her face remained motionless, that is for another moment. Suddenly, she started regaining color to her lips and skin. Of course she was still pale, but it was shade much closer to her own. Weakly, her emerald eyes finally opened. The nurse grinned.

"Hello, Lena," the nurse spoke softly. "I'm Aliza; I'm your nurse. Can you speak?"

Lena swallowed the air in her throat. Parting her lips slightly, she tried to form words. "I... think so..." she breathed. The nurse, Aliza, smiled lightly. Even though Lena's voice was hoarse from sleep, she remembered. She remembered how to speak. And that was incredible.

"That's great, Lena." She paused. "Wait, you remember your name is Lena, right?" Aliza inquired.

"Yeah," Lena replied. "Why wouldn't I?"

"That is a long story, too long for right now." Aliza stopped and reached under the bed, only to pull out a set of clothes. "Here are some clean clothes. Can you put them on?" Lena nodded. "Then put them on and meet me outside. If you need me, just call my name." With one final smile, she left the room.

Lena just rose her eyebrow. She had no idea how to react. Why wouldn't she know her name? Why wouldn't see be able to get up? Why would she have trouble with the simplest things? She didn't know. She didn't know who this Aliza was. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know how she got there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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