the sleep over pt.2

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(sorry about the last chapter I didn't get to finish it so I made a chapter 2 i guess, enjoy.)
Tom was sitting next to you and tord was sitting on your lap. Edd and matt were sitting next to Tom. Edd and matt were cuddled up together and fast asleep. You notice how Tom was struggling to stay awake.

By the end of the movie edd, matt, Tom, and tord were sleeping in the living room. You got up and went into the Hall way and opened a closet door and grabbed some blankets for everyone. You covered up matt and edd then Tom then you and tord. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. You awoke to the smell of bacon and cola pancakes you yawned then stretched and looked down to see a small tord cuddling against you. You blushed a tink of pink
And carfully you moved the small bean off of your lap. He churned in his sleep then rolled over. You got up off the couch to see tom and matt still alseep. You walked into your kitchen to see Edd cooking breakfast. "Smells delishish." You said startling Edd in the process. "(Y-y/n) I didn't know you were up! Are the others up yet or is it just you?" Edd said. "No it's just me,I'm the only one up." You said. "Oh ok, well could you wake them up for me please, because breakfast is almost ready!" Edd said. "Ok." You said. You walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to wake up the others. You notice that Tom was already awake and was watching the children. Tord was snugglled up against Tom's leg and was still asleep. You walked over to the couch and sat down next to turd. "Morning (y/n)." Tom said. "Morning Tom."
(Sorry again, I k ow it short but tomorrow I might not update because TOMORROW IS ANY BIRTHDAY!!!!! But any way hope you enjoy and an other Thing school is starting in 7 days so I will try to update as much as possible. Talk to y'all later.)

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