11 • a surprise you say?

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The slight throb of pain in his lower back woke him up. It quickly brought back memories of what happened the night before.

Killua furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up, groaning in pain at the twinge in his back. He reached back to massage the area.

Well, this is just fucking perfect, Killua thought to himself. He looked to the side of where Gon was supposed to be, but all he saw was an empty spot.

He must've gotten up early, probably to cook some breakfast, Killua wondered.

He carefully stood up, trying not to aggravate the sore spot with his movements. He went towards his dresser and pulled out a blue T-shirt with some shorts. At the corner of his eye, he saw the clothes from last night laying in the corner. He felt a blush appear on his face.

"Why do I get embarrassed easily?" He said as he averted his gaze from the clothes to the ground. The sound of a door opening caught his attention, lifting his head up to see Gon peeking into the room.

Once they made eye contact, Gon merrily grinned, "I'm surprised you're up! I always have to wake you most of the time."

Killua huffed at what he said; putting his hands in his hips and he raised his head up high. "Well, maybe if you gave me the time to wake up on my own, you wouldn't have to do that."

"True, but anyway, I made breakfast, so hurry up so we can both eat! Not only that, but we are also going to be doing something today."

Killua furrowed his eyebrows. "And what are we going to be doing exactly?"

Gon stuck his tongue out playfully. "Oh you know, something special~"

"And in special, you mean..."

"Nope, it's a secret~. You'll find out later on!"

Killua shrugged his shoulders, "If you say so..." he said in a low voice.

"Yep! Now hurry up with what you have to do! I'm pretty sure the food is getting cold..." Gon told him.

"Well, you can eat without me idiot! Don't rush me!" Like really, he didn't have to wait for him.

He was ready for Gon to protest, to say anything against it and be stubborn,

"Oh really?! Ok then!" Gon left the room within a second.


"I was joking! Wait for me!" Killua said as he rushed out the room.

"Awww Killua! You look so cute in that hat!" Killua stopped buttoning up his shirt to glare at Gon.

"Shut up idiot! Stop saying that!"

"But it's true," Gon pouted. Killua rolled his eyes and continued on with his task.

The only reason he was wearing the hat was because he couldn't hide his ears or tail anymore, so might as well work with what you got.

After they both have eaten and gotten cleaned up, they started getting dressed to go out. It was Gon's idea, saying that it was a part of the 'surprise' he had planned.

"Are you ready yet?" Killua asked as he saw Gon walking around the room.

"Yeah, almost. I just have to....found it!" Gon grabbed what he was looking for.

"What did you find?"

"Nothing! Now let's head out!" Gon replied at a fast pace as he headed towards the door.

Killua shook his head, following behind him.

The pair was currently walking through town, looking at various shops that sell anything unique. Gon offered to pay for anything they want to buy, which had brought up a disagreement. A little game of rock, paper, scissors, with Gon winning, settled the argument, much to Killua's disappointment.

They were both currently in a store that sells house accessories. The aisle they were in mostly consisted of air fresheners.

"Ummm...which one do you think we should get Killua?" Gon asked as he looked at the different products.

"Get the one at the end," Killua pointed at the product that says 'Febreze AIR'.

Gon bent down and picked it up, looking at the scent label. It read lavender.

He put it in the cart, "Ok, we should get 2 more for when we run out of the first bottle."

"Gon, did you trick me into doing some shopping?"

Gon turned to look at Killua, seeing him having a suspicious look on his face.

"Maybe", Gon dragged out, "But trust me, it's for the best. I had to buy some house supplies anyway, just figured to do it on the day of the 'surprise'.

"Yeah, but-"

"Hey, Gon!"

Gon turned his head in the direction of the voice that's calling him, his eyes widening once he realizes who it was.


Killua scoffed. Here come that bitch, he thought.

Retz walked over, a smile on her face. "I wasn't expecting to see you here! It's been a while"

This bitch didn't even greet me, wack ass hoe.

Gon chuckled, "Yeah, it has been! So, what are you doing here? Are you also doing some shopping?"

Gon, stop talking to this sloth. Honestly, she looks as if she is slow.

"Yeah, got to restock on cleaning supplies," Retz replied back.

The conversation they were having went on longer than Killua liked. All the while they were talking, Killua was glaring at Retz. The bitch was just blatantly ignoring him.

"So, Gon, would you like to come over to my house? I need some help moving some of my furniture around," Retz asked him with a so-called innocent smile.

Oh hell no

"I would lo-"

"Sorry, but he's kind of busy, which means he won't be available for the whole day. As a matter of fact, me and Gon were just leaving," Killua implied as he tugged Gon closer to him; his possessive side showing.

Retz pouted, "Awww already? Well Gon can I have a hug? Before we part ways?"

Gon, don't you dare say yes. I swear, if you say yes-

"Sorry Retz, but me and Killua have to finish shopping. We will meet again, I'm sure of it." Gon reasoned with a small smile.

Killua smirked.

Ha! Take that you little-

"Ah come on Gon. Just one hug." Retz started coming towards him with her arms wide open.

"Retz, I-" Gon was cut off my a pair of arms wrapping around his neck tightly, the girl snuggling against him. He felt a little light-headed for a moment when Retz pulled back.

"See? Was that so hard? Well, goodbye Gon. Have fun shopping!" Retz waved as she walked away.

"Yeah, you too," Gon waved back. It was quiet for a few moments before Gon chuckled, "Well, that was weird, at least at the last part."

Killua had his head down, his bangs covering his eyes as Gon grabbed his hand. "Well, let's continue shopping," he said.

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