a relaxing day and surprises - parker_games

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Ay peeps! so I was away at a sleep away dance camp from sunday to saturday Ike I was at camp my knee popped out twice and buckled once and I continued to dance which made it worse and now I can't dance for 4-6 weeks which means I miss my auditions for my competition team *little violin plays* but that means more updates to come and daily updates maybe... ON TO THE PARKER STORY!


(Y/N/N = your nickname)


"C'mon Y/n/n! Let's go play minecraft!" my best friend Parker said pulling me off the couch. I sighed. Both of our parents were away on a trip so I've been sleeping over Parker's house and this is the 3rd day and the routine is always the same - play minecraft until like 5 am, wake up, I make/order lunch or dinner since we mostly sleep in till those times, watch netflix and the the cycle repeats itself. But hey I'm not complaining! To tell the truth I've had a massive crush on Parker since we met in 2nd grade when he ran over to my house saying that he needed someone to go on an adventure with him, I agreed even though I had never met him in my life. But if i told him how I feel it would ruin our friendship and I can't do that. I ran a hand though my hair and sat down at my laptop next to Parker.

*time skip to like 4 hours later*

I giggled at something Parker had said. I had given up on sg so I just watched Parker film a video. The way his eyes light up while playing makes me happy to wake up, or his messy locks of curls that sit atop his head, his humor, his kindness, everything makes everyday worth living for. it's why I love him - wait love!? No I can't love him, nope. But I'm lying to myself. I do. I want to scream it at the top of my lungs. But alas, I sit here in a pair of black leggings, one of Parker's v-necks and my hair down all over the place. Not to mention the no make up look I've got going on. I sigh and give up, keeping my feelings bottled up and locked away.

Parker's POV (changing it up!):

Her giggle makes me smile. I think about her every waking second of the day and god damn it I can't hide it any longer. Her messy hair and the way she looks in my t-shirt, her giggle! she plays minecraft, she's seen me at my worst and my best and she's just perfect. I end off my video and turn the recording off. I sigh and it ends up being louder than I thought. She turns her head, "you okay there, mr.hipster?" A smile plays on her lips due to the nickname she gave me, but frowns when i give a strained smile and chuckle. "Parker? You okay? You know you can tell me anything." She says with a warm smile placing her petite hand on top of mine. Electric waves run through my body when she touches me. I nod, and open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Get it together Parker, don't show her your nervous. "Um y/n I-uh- I" I couldn't form the words so I made up a lie on the spot. "Y/n, I think we should start up with some Netflix" my voice cracks but I cough and give yet another strained smile. She looks at me weirdly but closes her laptop and heads over to the couch. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. How am I gonna tell her. I'm such a coward, why would she even end up liking me. She only likes me as a friend. I run my fingers through my hair. "Parker something's up. You only run your fingers though your hair when your nervous or anxious. Please Parker. You can tell me anything." I look over at her and she's her starting to stand up from the couch. She's found one of my sweatshirts lying around and has put it on, it looking almost like a dress on her. I can't stand it any longer. I need her. I take long strides over to her and place one hand on her hip the other cupping her cheek. "Wha-what are you doing?" She says with a shaky breath. "Something I should've done a long time ago." I say leaning in. I press my lips to her soft ones and feel sparks fly. The best part is, is that she's kissing back, her arms wrapped around my neck. I pull back and see her eyes slowly open. I realize that I'm now just staring at her. "Sorry it's just that I had to do that or it was gonna eat me up. I really really really like you y/n more than a friend. I understand if maybe you only kissed me back cause it was like a spur of the moment. I mean if it wasn't that's great but oh gosh maybe you felt like i pressured you to kiss me cause..." Her soft lips once again met mine and when she pulled away a giggle left her lips. "I really, really, really like you too, Parker." She says her face radiating happiness. "Good cause that would've been awkward if you didn't." Again she giggles and my heart flutters. "C'mon, how about we go watch some of that Netflix." She says. I pick her up by the waist and she screams as I sit down on the couch and place her on my lap. Everything's perfect for once.

Yayayayayayayay I'm back with a cute imagine with Parker! I'm gonna have 2 more updates hopefully out later tonight and a new surprise!!!! Yasssssss! Kk hope y'all enjoyed!

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