(1) christian

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August 16th
3:27 pm
Plot: reader is bricks adopted sister, after finding out about her dad and Bob. Reader runs away, And meets Christian who tells her to run away with him. I hope you enjoy! 💞

It was Sunday night, And all y/n could think about is the fact her family was falling apart. It had been a few days since she had found out about her dad and Bob barnard, she was so shocked. How could her dad do that to her mom?

That question was the one question that kept running through her head, to make things worse they invited patty, the one who outed her dad, and who was also in love with her dad to stay at their place. She had enough of her family, so why not run away? She wouldn't have to deal with this anymore. They never seemed to care anyways, all they wanted to was to be perfect, and y/n didnt think she was.

So it was decided, she was running away. She had no idea where to go, but she wasnt staying here any longer. Y/n packed her self a bag, and texted her brother

Y/n: im leaving, and i dont plan on coming back. Im sick of this family, no one really cares about one another. So why stay?

[Read at 10:10]

Y/n sighed, it seemed her brother didnt even care she was leaving. It now only felt it made more sense to run away, and that she did. She made her way down the street, a few blocks later and she noticed a car. Inside the car was someone she had seen before but never once talked to. Christian. It was party's ex, she didnt know much about him other than that he was the most handsome guy she had ever laid her eyes on.

Making her way to the car, y/n knocked on the window "hey, is there a reason your parked outside, at night, only a few blocks from my house?" She asked the dark wavy haired boy. "Is there a reason you have a packed bag and you're alone?" Christian asked back, grinning "running away are we?"

"Ugh, no, yes! It's none of your business" y/n snapped back, she sighed "dont tell anyone you saw me" she began to walk away. She only made a few steps when she heard "come with me, im leaving this place anyways, we could leave together" Christian stated, before adding "And a pretty girl like your self shouldn't be alone" he smirked.

"Fine, but if you dare try anything dont think i wont snap your neck" y/n said getting into the car.

A few hours later...

Hours had passed, they were still driving. It was silent, neither had spoken up since she got in the car. That was until Christian finally spoke up "you have anger in you, i can feel it, i do too, i have a feeling your just like me" he said.

"Just like you? What makes you so sure? Yes, im angry, because of my oh so perfect family, who isnt perfect at all and it all just keeps falling apart, I was sick of it so i left. They never cared about me anyways, i dont care what happens to them"

"So you are angry?" He asked, pulling over. He liked the girl, he felt a connection with her, she was just like him and she was beautiful. He smirked, pulling her close and kissing her "I like you"

"I like you too, but maybe we should keep driving" y/n said. So they did, they kept driving. They reached a motel, got a room and stayed there for the night.

Time went on, months had passed and they had made so many memories together. Y/n ended up falling for Christian, her family never tried reaching out to her and she felt okay. She felt she only needed him. Hopefully he felt the same.

//this was so so so so bad, I apologize, this is my first Christian one and i came up with the plot last minute. I hope you guys liked it, please keep requesting and reading, and voting. Thank you so much!//

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