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SABRINA BUST OPEN THE DOOR OF THE BAR, FACE RED AND PUFFY. She spotted Sam at the table and ran towards him, jumping onto him as he stood. Wrapping her arms around his neck and placing her head on his shoulder, she cried. 

"Sabrina, are you alright?" He stuttered, hesitantly wrapping an arm around her back and placing the other one on the back of her head. 

"Bill Anderson is a fucking asshole" Sabrina cried, attempting to not get any of the snot leaking from her nose onto his shirt.

"Yeah, he is"

Sabrina paused for a moment before speaking. 

"No, he's not," Shaking her head, she pulled it back but kept her arms around her friend. "He's wonderful and charismatic and funny and he told me I was beautiful and... I told him to off and said I wished he would drown" She choked, forcing a small smile.


"Not really, I just said I hoped that his boat would sink"


"I'm such a bitch! God, why did I say that to him?!" Tearing her arms away from his neck, she placed them on her forehead and shook her head.

"You said it to him because he manipulated you and lied to you and led you on for nearly a month-"

"But you did the same thing to Donna!" She cut him off, wiping her tears and bringing her arms to her sides.

Sam furrowed his eyebrows, upset. Sabrina's eye's grew a bit wide and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sam I didn't mean that. I'm just... distressed. I've had a long day and you've been super sweet and helpful and there for me more than my best friend has-"

"Sabrina... you're fine. You're right, men are pigs. All of us" 

Jumping onto him again, she repeated her actions and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"I'm so sorry, Sabrina" He murmured while hugging her back. "You don't deserve any of what happened to you"

Sabrina sniffled, gulping and pulling away from him.

"Can I send you letters while you're in London and I'm here? I won't tell Donna and I'll keep you updated on how she is. I could really use a real friend, right now" 

"Of course, you can. But I need to go gather my things. I've been putting it off all day"

She nodded, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. As the man took a napkin from the table and a pen from his pocket, leaning over the table and quickly scribbling down the address for his flat in London. 

"You should probably go before Donna comes," Sabrina told him, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. Sam turned back to her, handing her the napkin. 

"Why would she come here?"

"It's the only bar on the whole island" The girl let out a light laugh, a small smile showing on her face as she looked at Sam. He chuckled, smiling back at her. After one more hug, he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek.

"Goodbye, Sabrina," 

"Bye, Sam Carmichael"

Sabrina watched as he walked out of the bar. That would be the last time she would see him for the next ten years. 

woahhh am i rewriting/finishing this book? possibly??

hopefully ill get you all some new fresh content soon

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