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SABRINA AVOIDED DONNA FOR THE FOLLOWING MONTH. Though, after the first 2 weeks, she was unsure if her blonde friend was avoiding her as well because Sabrina hadn't seen Donna around the island.  Living alone in such a small place had gotten lonely, but she was able to pass the time by writing journal entries and letters to Sam.

She wrote him at least once a month, and the letters wouldn't get to him in London for two or even three months. Undoubtedly, any news given to Sam would be outdated by the time he opened his mail. Still, she would continue to do it, in order to keep herself occupied. 



Hello again, Sam! I doubt you've even received my first letter yet, I wrote you one on August 5th, a few days after you left KaloKairi. So nearly a month later I supposed I'd write you another one. I hope these reach you safely, and in order. I expect you've made it safely back to London by now, and I hope your fiancee is doing well.

If it's not too on-the-nose to ask, I was wondering if you're even going to go through with it? The wedding, I mean. Especially after what happened with Donna? Did you even tell your fiancee? I surely hope you did. It'd be the right thing to do.

Anyway, I'm not writing you this to shame you, but to give you an update on life here on the island. 

I haven't spoken to Donna since you've left, I figure it's better for the both of us if I just keep to myself for a little while. I'm sure she is doing fine, though I don't see her around often. She hasn't been to the bar for almost a month. And you would know that there's not much else to do here in terms of recreation besides drinking. But who knows! Maybe she's taken up fishing or baking or some strange hobby that she would, of course, be a natural at. 

I've got my own place now! As in my own home to stay in. I would give you the address to write me back, but this place is too small to have a whole "home address" type system. If you just write my name they should be able to find me. If this letter (and my previous one) find their way to you, please write me back. I'd love to hear from you soon!

I wish you good luck and health! 
Sincerely, Sabrina Welsh

As much as Sabrina missed them, she couldn't exactly keep in touch with Rosie and Tonya. Both of them left the island on a ferry the night Donna was with Bill. That was probably for the best, the last thing Sabrina wanted to do was rope them into her fight with Donna. 

Even though she truly was angry at Donna, she missed her friend, and after spending an entire summer by her side, it was strange to not have her around. So, Sabrina made a promise to herself: she wasn't allowed to leave the island until she made up with Donna, let her explain what happened and why she spent the night with Bill. 

With what money she had left to travel, Sabrina rented out a small hut on the island to stay in until she was able to see Donna again. The place was small and cramped, which urged her to stay outside for as long as possible, only coming back home to sleep. 

Most of her days were spent in town, being around other people made her feel less alone. Even though Sabrina didn't quite speak to the locals, their presence lifted her spirits. 

She walked down into the square, sealed envelope in her hand, labeled for Sam Carmichael in London, England. She was going to drop it off to the women who routinely took the mail for the entire town. Sabrina walked into the stone building, making her way over to the old woman with a smile.

"Hello, I've just got one letter today," She told her, setting the envelope down on the table the woman sat at.

"You write to boyfriend?"

Sabrina let out a short laugh, shaking her head. 

"No, no, he's a friend of mine. He just moved away," She informed the lady, who simply looked up at her with a raised eyebrow and smirk.

"Alright, stamp on there?"

"Yes, of course"

"Okay, I'll have it delivered. Boat comes on Monday"

"Great! Thank you so much" Sabrina smiled again at the woman, walking out the door and into the street. With no plans for the rest of the day, she turned to the direction of the shops, deciding to do some window shopping.

She waltzed into a clothing shop, flipping through the blouses hung up on the circular rack. Sabrina was paying less attention to the shirts, more so to the passers-by that would cross in front of the open door. It was no question that tourists frequented Kalokairi, it was a beautiful Greek island after all. It was September and summer was starting to come to a close, so there weren't many strangers to look at as usual.

Her eyes shifted up for one moment, catching a glimpse of a woman in overalls, and she looked a bit like Donna. In an instance, Sabrina dashed out of the front door, looking the direction she saw the woman walk down the street, hoping to find her again. She was still walking, albeit slowly, down the stony road. 

"Donna!" Sabrina called out, taking the attention from the blonde girl she was looking for. Donna stopped in her tracks, turning around to see her friend briskly walking towards her. Sabrina immediately started to apologize to her. 

"Donna, listen, I'm really sorry for how I reacted. I shouldn't have been that rude and dramatic towards you," She rambled on, trying to keep the attention of her friend, who simply gave a tired smile. 

"Sab, it's okay" Donna reassured her friend, though her comment didn't stop Sabrina from talking.

"I assumed the worst, which I shouldn't have because I should have had faith in you. You're my best friend, you would never do something like that to me on purpose, right?"


"And Bill's a pig,' She cut her friend off, continuing to meander to Donna. "He's a filthy pig and I shouldn't have expected anything less from him. It's all of his fault and I hope I never have to see him again, even though-"

"Sabrina!" Donna grabbed the shoulders of her friend, shaking them lightly to stop her from speaking.

 "I'm pregnant," 


Holy shit what?

I rewrote this entire chapter?

I'm back from the dead or something?

Yeah, guys, I really apologize for the extended hiatus of this book, it's been nearly a year and I'm just now kind of getting back into the groove of writing. I was planning on updating over this summer but some shit happened so I couldn't. 

I just want to thank every single one of you for 55k reads. I never thought I'd be able to write ANYTHING that would get that many people's attention. I started writing on wattpad when I was in 6th grade (i used a diff account), and I don't think little me would have ever imagined achieving something like this. So truly, thank you <3

And expect these chapters to slowly get published, it might not be very frequent but hopefully, I'll be writing more. 

Thanks for reading! don't forget to vote and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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