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have you ever woken up with the feeling of choking and drowning from your head?

where you open your eyes and you can hardly see the world you're in?

then you remember where you once were.

in an ocean.

but not a natural ocean with sunlight streaming down to lighten up the cerulean water.

here, there is no sunlight mixing with the waves as they slackly roll overhead.

but there is darkness.

a pitch black darkness that accommodates nothing as you gradually fade deeper and deeper.

for so long, you see nothing and nothing comes.

it's just a place to wait until your body decides it's had enough.

then, it wants to wake up and leave.

to live.

leave the dead behind.

of course, there's a catch.

you can't just leave without something.

a gift.

you get a gift every time.

perhaps, thou's unlucky to get a greater sum than one.

yet, there is never colour.

noises will accommodate the space you're within, haunting you for the next hours.

no colour.

there's never anything to see, only to hear.

as you hear and wonder, your heart pounds.

it's frightening, terrifying.

what are these noises?

you don't understand.

definitely never will.

because then, you wake up feeling like hell.

you're head hurts.

everything feels weird and so very different from what you remember, but you let it go.

you keep going.

you deal with it, feeling confused.

looking like shit, feeling like shit.

however, you lug yourself off your arse and keep going.

internally raging a thought war, right?


but you must let it go.

you must pay attention to what's around you.

leave it for later, and put your head down.

but never rest now.

rest when you come back.

rest when you're alone.

rest in solitude and comfort.

don't sleep.

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