Early war

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Chapter 1
A horse is galloping through a dark lifeless forest. (FLASH) A boy entering his cottage only to see his mother lifeless on the floor. (FLASH) The horse is being ridden by a broad young man chasing a vampire looking for information on the whereabouts of his birth father. (FLASH) A man emerges from the shadows and tries to calm the boy down and explain. The boy won't listen and throws a knife at the man that once was his father and leaves the cottage blinded by a rage that only revenge can soothe. (FLASH) The man has caught the vampire.
"Where is Edwin?" asks Allen.
"I would rather die than tell you anything you dirty half breed!" General Blud spat.
"If that's how you want to do this then so be it bloodsucker."
Allen pulls out a dagger made of silver and stabs it into General Blud's leg. "ARRGH! No matter how much you torture me I will never speak half breed!" "Oh you will speak General Blud and you will do so out of whatever is left of the cold dead heart you once had."
"That would imply that I ever had a heart, I was born a vampire I was not turned. Like you I am a son of The Lord of Vampires. I will never talk."
At the mention of his father's title the rage inside of Allen's soul erupted and he removed the knife from the injured vampire's leg.
"Fine let me prove for a fact you don't have a heart you cretin!"
Allen plunged the dagger into General Blud's chest and a flash of light appeared and in a few moments all that remained of the vampire general was a pile of ashes and armor.
Allen moves toward the horse and climbs onto it and horse resumes a galloping pace to the town where Allen had learned of the general's location. This was a small town with only 23 current villagers, which is why Allen came to the town. He came because the town used to be populated with over 40 villagers, now all that remain are the Mayor, the blacksmith, the tavern and shop owners, a few maids and the children.
"Who were the first people to start disappearing?" asked Allen.
"The richest in the town were the first ones to disappear."
"You said the rich were the first ones to disappear?"
"Yes the rich were the first ones to disappear and then the beggars and many of the young men as well, why do you have a puzzling look Mr. um Allen was it?"
Allen tensed when he heard this.
"Yes my name is Allen and the fact that the rich and young men were the first ones to disappear is odd because vampires will target the beggars, infirm, and the children before targeting the rich. It seems odd and out of character for even the boldest of vermin. Which raises the question if the rich were the first ones to disappear then why not the powerful next, why are you of all people still here?"
​The Mayor pulled out a silver cross with a sharpened point and tried to stab Allen. But he was slow and overweight so Allen easily blocked the strike and seized the cross from him.
"You crazy old fool! What did you think this was going to do? I'm only a half vampire I am not weakened or disoriented by silver!"
"They said they would kill me if I didn't let them feed on my people! They said if I let them feed they would spare me and many of the women for me!"
It all made sense now. Very few men remained in the village but a great deal of the villagers left were women. Allen was pulled out of his thoughts by the Mayor begging for his life.
"Oh please Mr. Allen don't kill me please I know it was a mistake but I didn't want to die! I fell into their temptation and bribery and I assure you it will never happen again."
"Fine I will let you live, but only if I may use the forge and any silver this town may have."
"Yes yes anything you want or need you may have and thank you for showing me mercy Mr. Allen I greatly appreciate it."
At this Allen left the room ready to continue his search for his father and exact his revenge.

Chapter 2
Deep in the black forest a majestic creature is gallivanting through the woods unknown to the danger she is in. the beast's name is Cresca, named after the crescent shaped blood moon that took place the night she was born. She is a werewolf, Lord Eclipse's younger sister and is the prey of a much more fearsome group of beasts. Out of nowhere three gargoyles burst through the trees and attack her! She lets out a howl for help hoping another werewolf is nearby. She manages to fight off one of the gargoyles and rips off one of her much needed wings. As one of the other gargoyles get ready to bite Cresca's throat a magic arrow pierces his heart and sprays blue blood everywhere, it is Lord Eclipse.
"Cresca you know you are not allowed to travel by yourself during these times of war!"
"You know you cannot keep me locked up all the time, I have to run and train if I am going to fight in the war!"
Together they finish off the largest gargoyle and take in the crippled one for questioning.
"All we have found out is that her name is Lorelei and that she and the other two gargoyles are only one out of three groups sent to kill off werewolves." Cresca said to the guard.
Lord Eclipse enters the room with a glowing blue substance on his hands.
"That is all we need to know I will send word to Queen Luna."
"You didn't kill her did you brother? We needed more information!"
At this time a ranger entered the room and spoke to Lord Eclipse.
"Lord Eclipse, we have eliminated the six remaining gargoyles and found a human roaming the black forest."
"Why do we care about some worthless human walking around in the black forest at night?" Cresca questioned the guard.
Lord Eclipse silences her and motions for the ranger to continue to speak.
"Well milady the thing is... the human...he had quite a bit of silver weapons on him when we captured him."
"Anything else?" Lord Eclipse asked.
"He could use some type of fire magic and... he was responsible for killing three of the gargoyles. We had spotted them and suddenly a fire bolt pierced one of them through the chest and the other two dove after their attacker. We ran to where the gargoyles had flown down and found both of them dead and not a scratch on the man."
"The man goes by the name Allen and I have contacted him to help us with the war."
"Why did you not tell me about this?!" screamed Cresca.
"Because if you knew what he was and who he was related to, you would have hunted him down and tried to kill him. But it wouldn't work because he could have killed you without a drop of sweat hitting the ground."
"What is he?"
"He is the son of Edwin, Lord of the Vampires but Allen is only a half vampire which makes him useful to us because he wants to kill his father."
Cresca walked down to the dungeon cells where Allen was being held. She was mesmerized by him he looked human but she could feel the magic emanating from him, but most of all she could smell the vampire blood flowing through his veins. However instead of the smell of the blood sickening her, the combination of the magical aura and the blood drew her closer to him she was curious as any werewolf would be at such a creature but she felt a deeper feeling when she stared at him but what this feeling was she did not know.
"Are you going to stare at me all night or are you going to maul me? If you won't let me out then I won't die until at least half of the werewolves in this stronghold are dead." he said.
"There will be no need for violence Allen, they did not know I had sent for you I am truly sorry old friend." Lord Eclipse said.
"Brother how do you know him?" asked Cresca.
"You probably do not remember but four years ago I went on a scouting mission by myself to find the monster hunter that had vanquished many vampires and gargoyles. But I was ambushed by a large group of vampires, before I knew it they were on top of me, then out of nowhere a silver knife came flying through the air and hit one of the vermin in the head. Then came several more knives all hitting their target and in a matter of seconds I was almost completely buried in a pile of ash and armor. Then a hand grabbed mine and hauled me to my feet, this hand belonged to Allen. He had killed every vampire and had spared me even though I was a creature of the night myself. And ever since then I have been aiding him in his adventure of killing his father. I have supplied horses, silver, and a variety of magical equipment to him. And if it came to it I would give my life to save him."
"That's amazing!"
Chapter 3
​Cresca, Allen and Shane (A young inexperienced werewolf) were on their way to the training grounds. Shane did not trust Allen fore he could smell the vampire blood which enraged him but the magical aura that surrounded the stranger kept Shane from attacking him.
"Why are we going to the training grounds?" asked Allen.
"To see what you can do and for me to practice my metamorphosis. You should've known this but you probably weren't paying attention were you half breed!" Shane spat.
In a flash Allen spun around grabbed the boy, slammed him against a wall and held a silver knife to his throat.
"If you ever call me that again I will not hesitate to gut you like the beast you are! Do you understand me pup?"
"Yes sir."
Allen let go and walked on with Cresca, Shane had waited until Allen was a few feet away before continuing to walk toward the training grounds. When they arrived at the training grounds Cresca had called for Allen's attention and he paid close attention to what she was showing him. Her metamorphosis! It was truly a sight to see her snow white hair spread over her entire body, her nails quickly grew into claws, her teeth lengthened and became sharp fangs, and her feet extended and became more animal-like. But the thing that caught Allen's attention the most was her eyes which turned from a cooled blue to a stunning yellow that was hypnotizing.
"Beautiful." He managed to say.
"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." She said, returning to human form.
Allen looked at her strangely and she blushed realizing her mistake. Suddenly a primal howl of anger erupted in the training ground and before he knew it Allen was on the ground and a brindle patterned werewolf was on top of him with his claw at Allen's throat. A white flash shot across the area and slammed the enraged werewolf off of Allen. It was Cresca! She helped Allen up and motioned for him to run but he did something no one would have done no matter how much gold or silver they were payed.
He grabbed her muzzle and said, "NO!"
At that moment the brindle werewolf came running toward the pair, Allen had reached for something in his pack and grabbed a spell book. He opened the book and recited three words, "Cele el Werwolf!" When he recited these words three black tendrils shot out of his shadow and wrapped themselves around the enraged beast and slowly the fur receded and revealed the beast to be Shane. Allen went mad with rage and ran at the boy with a silver knife.
Lord Eclipse managed to catch him before he could reach the boy.
"Allen do not be blinded by your rage it will only make you like him. Trust me my friend when I say he will be punished."
After some time Allen calmed down and returned to his quarters alone. While in there he heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." he said.
The door opened but he didn't expect Cresca to walk in. He sat up and questioned why she was here.
"Allen at the training grounds I said something I didn't mean-."
Allen cut her off.
"Don't worry lets act like it never happened."
"Allen I have to say this! Most werewolves avoid you because they can smell of vampire blood and sense the magical aura that surrounds you, it makes them feel a sense of fear. But not me! The magical aura and the scent of the vampire blood draw me closer to you and it makes me feel like we are connected. I understand if you don't have the same feelings for me but-."
Cresca left the room in tears and Allen felt true sorrow for the first time in quite a long time.
Chapter 4
​Allen felt ashamed for yelling at Cresca. How could he make it up to her? What could he do to make her feel better? There was flash of light and Allen was standing in a dark and decrepit castle and the strangest thing about it was the person standing in the middle of the room. It was Edwin, Allen's vampire father. Allen was blinded by his hatred for his father and charged at him! He ran straight through his father.
"Fear not my son I am not here to harm you, I am here to speak with you about a most important matter."
"Out with it then you vermin!"
"I want to speak with you about joining my army and leaving these dogs behind." "No."
"You owe these dogs nothing and yet you help them. But you maul and torture your brothers and sisters of the night. Why? They are nothing compared to you yet you allow yourself to sink to their level. THEY ARE NOTHING BUT WORTHLESS MONGRELS!!!"
Allen stood unfazed by the insult his father had said about his friends.
"Again I ask you my son, why don't you join me?"
Allen began to charge at his father when there is a flash of light and he is pulled from the vision.
Lord Eclipse is in his room holding Allen down until he came to full consciousness,
"Allen what happened?"
"My father wants me to join him and leave you to die."
Lord Eclipse didn't say anything, he just picked Allen up and set him on his bed and left the room. Allen couldn't sleep he just laid there waiting for his father to bring him into another vision but it never happened, he just laid there listening. He heard guards position themselves at his door he heard it unlock and he saw Cresca enter the room and tell him that she had heard what happened and that she would die before Edwin would get anywhere close to him. At this Allen dashed over to her and hugged her. This shocked her not that his strength would make most werewolves jealous but that he was hugging her. It shocked her so much she ran out of the room leaving Allen stunned. When Allen woke up he was under his bed and it was already noon. When he exited his room he was shocked to see the floors covered in blood and a dying Shane surrounded by the bodies of all the guards he had killed.
"What happened?"
Shane laughed.
"The war is already over your father will win and you will be the prince of the night.
Allen could stand Shane no more he recited the words for the fire bolt spell and pierced Shane's heart in a matter of seconds. He re-entered his room and went back to sleep.

Chapter 5
​Over the next few days while Allen has been recovering from his father's invasion of his mind the guards have been bringing him food. His rest was interrupted by his door opening in the middle of the night. Allen recognized Cresca and Lord Eclipse but the third person he did not know.
"Hello I am Queen Luna of The North." She said.
Allen was mesmerized, she had white hair like Cresca but her eyes were already the stunning yellow Cresca's were when she transformed. Queen Luna was followed in by two wolves the first wolf was black and the second wolf had a completely silver coat.
"So this is the famous Allen I've heard so much about? I expected he would look more like a vampire."
She sniffs the air.
"Ugh I can smell the vermin's blood flowing through his veins but what intrigues me is the magical aura flowing around him."
"I'm sorry I didn't meet your expectations but I didn't realize I had to impress a pompous pup."
At that remark Queen Luna barked an order and the wolves jumped at Allen "Cele el Wolf!" was heard and two tendrils shot out and slammed the wolves against the walls of his room. Three more tendrils shot out at the transforming Queen Luna, Allen could see the color of her wolf eyes now and he felt a small amount of fear. She was a white wolf like Cresca but instead of a set of stunning yellow eyes Queen Luna had a set of blood red eyes that shined with a primal hunger that any werewolf, as well as any vampire would be jealous of. She spoke when she was calm and returned to her human form.
"I will not ally myself with someone so rude! But the outcome of this war might depend on our allies so until this war ends we are friends understand young Allen?"
Allen nodded and left the room and headed for the armory.
When he arrived he wasn't surprised to see all of his silver weapons separated from the weapons the werewolves used. He put on his protective layer of silver chainmail under his leather clothes, strapped his silver knives to his chest and his new silver sword to his hip. The last item in the chest was his spell book. He focused on two spells, the first spell was a summoning spell which would let him summon a shadow form of any creature he chose. The second spell would create a golden flame that could imitate sunlight effectively burning vampires to ash and turning gargoyles to stone. Allen began practicing, "Sonne Licht!" He repeated this for three days without any food or water and he finally perfected the spell. He went to tell his friends he was leaving for a few days and asked if Cresca could accompany him on his mission. Reluctantly Lord Eclipse agreed and bid his friend and his dear sister goodbye.
"Good riddance, now Lord Eclipse we can talk about more personal matters."
They had been on the trail two days and Cresca would not stop asking where they were heading.
"I received word of a vampire nest where there may be hundreds of them."
"What! And you expect to kill all of them with the two of us by ourselves?"
"Yes. I have been working on a spell that creates a flame similar to sunlight which can turn gargoyles to stone and vampires to ash."
"Oh, I'm sorry for questioning you again."
"It is fine."
They arrived at the area where the nest was said to be after some searching the entrance was found. It was becoming dawn so the door to the crypt was still open. Cresca and Allen hid until they heard the stone door close. Allen was the first one to the door, he was excited he knew his father wasn't here but he could destroy hundreds of his fathers "children" and the thought invigorated him. He blew down the door with the fire bolt spell and raced into the crypt. It was large and filled to the ceiling with slumbering vampires they saw him and in their dazed state smelled the vampire blood in him and suspected nothing. He went to the center of the room and with all the air his lungs could hold shouted a spell "SONNE LICHT!!!" and a bright flash filled the room along with ash and screams. Cresca saw the flash and felt a gust of wind exit the crypt and knew that every vampire in the crypt had been reduced to a pile of ashes and clothes. It was then that Cresca realized what she could do to get closer to Allen, she could learn magic. When Allen exited the crypt they began the trek back to the Lord Eclipse's castle.

Chapter 6
​In an ancient castle there was a beast beyond belief. His name is Grawliss and he is the ruler of the entire gargoyle race. Grawliss had heard about the human that had single handedly killed a group of three gargoyles. Pulling himself out of his thoughts he realized his most trusted general had entered the room.
"Speak General Quartz." He said.
"Edwin's representative is here my lord."
At that moment a vampire entered the room. Her name was Amya but she was more commonly known as "The Crimson Demon." Because of her dark red hair and her ferocity in battle.
"The attempt to retrieve the half-vampire failed and he recently destroyed hundreds of vampires single handedly in one attack. He truly is-."
She couldn't finish because Grawliss had flown from his throne and grabbed her throat but he did not realize she was very skilled in magic until she cut him with a knife made of fire.
Amya continued, "He truly is powerful, which means if you even want to have a chance of flying freely through the night, we need an answer about the peace treaty. The deal is the same, the vampires receive the northern hemisphere and the gargoyles receive the southern hemisphere."
"When Edwin gets here we will sign the treaty all I want is the half-vampire's head on a mantle so that I may hang it on my wall."
Amya lied and told Grawliss that Edwin wouldn't care what happened to the half-vampire and that she will communicate with him shortly.
Amya and Edwin begin communicating telepathically.
He thinks he will receive Allen's head when the war is done.
Well done Amya, we will sign the treaty and when we win the war we will kill Grawliss and every other gargoyle on this earth. And hopefully we don't have to kill Allen. He may have abandoned us for now but when we kill the mongrels he will have no choice but to join us.
Will he still be my mate if he joins us? Remember Edwin that was the deal! If I convinced these monsters to a treaty Allen would be my mate.
He will still be your mate, now you must go tell Grawliss I am here.
"He is here." Amya said.
Grawliss responded while gabbing the treaty, a long bone fragment and a vial of blood.
"Good, I have the treaty ready."
Closer to dawn Edwin and Grawliss both signed the treaty and accepted all the terms Grawliss having no idea that Edwin has already planned his betrayal and prepared for any betrayal that might be planned by Grawliss.

Chapter 7
Upon returning to the castle Cresca asked Allen to teach her magic. Allen agreed knowing this was a task easier said than done.
"What type of magic do you wish to learn Cresca?"
"The one you used to destroy all of the vampires at the crypt."
"You are a werewolf which means fire magic would take quite some time which we do not have, however since you are a creature of the night it would be easier and much faster for you to learn shadow magic. It is your choice Cresca but you want to learn fire magic then it will have to wait until after the war."
"How come it is easy for those with vampire blood to learn magic?"
Allen asked her to sit down which she did then he began his story.
"When a vampire is growing and feeding frequently depending on what dangers they are exposed to depend on which type of magic they can use. Magic is divided into six types' fire, water, earth, nature, shadow, and holy magic. Holy magic which is primarily used by priests and monks. If a vampire has an easy going life and doesn't encounter any danger that awakens that magical spark inside of them, they can choose which type of magic they want to learn. However a vampire cannot learn holy magic and even if a vampire learns the other five types of magic they will specialize in one type of magic which is more often than not, shadow magic."
"If there are only six types' of magic how did Edwin create that vision in your mind?"
"He used shadow magic but you can also use holy magic to create a vision. The difference is when someone uses shadow magic to create a vision it will be dark and decrepit but if someone uses holy magic to create a vision it will be bright and exquisite and the person creating the vision will glow very faintly."
Cresca had made her decision. She would learn shadow magic the spell she would be learning was the conjure beast spell.
"Repeat after me. Crete el Wulf."
"Create el Wulf!"
A wolf made of Cresca's shadow appeared. Allen congratulated her and told her to keep practicing and try to generate different animals. By the end of the second day she could create three wolves. By the fourth day she could create a shadow werewolf and by the end of the week she could create a giant serpent. Allen was impressed with her skill in shadow magic it actually made him worry. He had known of no one else being able to advance in magic that fast besides him and his father but even though he did worry about her skill he was joyous that his student was advancing quickly and painlessly. nAllen had an idea. He would find out just how quickly Cresca could advance in magic, he would challenge her to a duel.
"Cresca get prepared we will have a duel right now, so pick the monster you will conjure and we will start."
Cresca was slightly confused but she recited the words slowly concentrating and hoping that she might be able to stand against Allen knowing he was far more skilled than she.
A giant serpent appeared and Allen saw her strategy, she would try to win with strength and size alone and with a wave of his hand he summoned over 30 shadow wolves.
The serpent was the first one to strike and it destroyed two of the many shadow wolves Allen had created, but this did not affect Allen's strategy to overtake the serpent by using the sheer amount of shadow wolves that would divide the serpent's and Cresca's attention. One by one the wolves leapt onto the serpent biting and clawing at it damaging it and creating a void in the concentration Cresca needed to keep the serpent conjured. Allen was also struggling because he had never conjured this many shadow wolves before and this was the first time he successfully cast the spell without speaking the words. This duel was taking longer than Allen had hoped it would, but he was enjoying himself and it was clear Cresca was enjoying the duel as well. Finally the duel concluded and Allen was victorious but the strain on his body was too much for him to handle because he had consumed far too much of magical aura which caused him to pass out due to exhaustion.
He awakens in his room hours after passing out, but something is wrong everything is quiet, dark and has a menacing look to it. He tries to open his door but it is locked, suddenly Edwin emerges from the shadows but he is not alone. Amya is with him this time and Allen is filled with emotions he cannot control. He reaches for where he keeps his spell book but it is not there.
"Sorry Allen but you will not be using the sunlight spell on us. I know you are not pleased to see me but I thought you would like to see Amya before she becomes your enemy."
"I don't care if she is my enemy she is no longer my friend because you turned her into the monster she is now! You killed my mother and gave my friend a fate worse than death! Eternal damnation is what you offered her and I want nothing to do with it!"
Amya flinched at the insult. She moved towards Allen hoping she could calm him down but Allen had other plans.
"This vision isn't as powerful as your last one since you brought this wench here. Which means I can conjure some of my spells and damage you doesn't it father?"
Allen conjures a blade of fire and removes his father's left hand.
"ARRRRGH! How dare you harm me, your own father? Not to worry Allen I can create a new hand out of the shadows themselves."
Shadows begin emerging from the floor and creates a sharp clawed hand where Edwin's previous hand had been.
As the vision began to fade Amya looked toward Allen and said in a loving voice, "Goodbye my dear friend."
The vision ended and Allen awoke a burnt streak across his wall while Cresca busted into the room having heard him scream.
"What happened?"
"My father tried to tempt me into joining his army again, but this time he brought and old friend of mine."
Cresca looked confused.
"Her name is Amya, she was my only friend in the village I grew up in. You know her as The Crimson Demon but, I digress. After my father killed my mother and I ran away, he sought out Amya and turned her into a vampire in hopes that the bond we had would eventually bring me over to his side."
Cresca could not speak she was stunned to know that even using someone that Allen had obviously been close to would not draw him to the other army. He was loyal, far more loyal than any werewolf she had known and this angered her, but it worried her more than anything. Because she knew that if it came to choosing to join the vampires or killing her he would kill her to spare her the pain of seeing him join the vampires and battle her in the war.

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